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  • Salvia Divinorum Induces Astral Projection, and Enhances Your Spiritual Growth Instantly!

    Salvia is also known by the Aztec Shamans as "Diviners Sage" or Salvia Divinorum. Shaman have used the leaves of this plant for hundreds of years to successfully induce out of body experiences, astral projection, and divination and enhance spiritual development...

    Today, in the 21st century, this classic spiritual plant is still surging in popularity.  Thousands of people have tried the original form of Salvia .  People all over the world are beginning to understand they can induce spiritual phenomena at their leisure.

    Key points regarding Salvia

    • Salvia Divinorum is 100% legal in all countries except Australia.
    • Salvia Divinorum contains no nicotine, is not addictive non-habit forming.
    • Salvia Divinorum is the worlds most powerful entheogenic herb, it is not a hallucinogen.  The experience is very real, completely safe and natural.

    Salvia Dragon 10x is a Salvia Divinorum extract which also includes 10% of "The Dream Herb" or "The Leaf of God" (Calea Zacatechichi).  Simply put, Salvia Dragon is 10x more likly to induce spiritual phenomena than regular Salvia Divinorum alone. The testimonials speak for themselves.

    Salvia Dragon 10x users report experiences such as:

    • Leaving Their Body & Traveling in The Astral World
    • Lucid Out of Body Experiences
    • Traveling Back or Forward in Time
    • Feeling Weightless and Flying Over the Astral Landscape
    • Seeing or Feeling Through Another Beings Perspective
    • Finding Hidden Answers and Secret Knowledge
    • Meeting Entities And Other Non-Physical Beings
    • A Feeling of Oneness and Peace With The Universe
    • Many More...

    It's true, Salvia Divinorum induces spiritual phenomena like astral projection and out of body experiences.

    Salvia has the power to give it's users a positive and permanent mind altering change in perception.  It's not a "high" that one experiences but rather an opening of a doorway to new knowledge and increased consciousness.

    Salvia Dragon Review:

    "I had never experienced anything like it before.  I didn't even notice the transition....  I was in my old neighborhood from when I was a child!  With a little jump, I flew up over the roof of my old house and down into the backyard..."

     - Richard D.

    Read More Reviews

    My Story Is Probably Very Similar To Yours...

    "If you have struggled to gain spiritual insight, or induce an out of body experience this could be the most eye-opening letter you will ever read..."

    You see, about five years ago I was sitting exactly where you are now.  On the computer, reading about Salvia and it's effects.  The more I read, the more I fell in love with the idea of giving it a try...

    Do you realize that most people struggle with their spirituality?  We live in a material world most of our lives, hardly remember our dreams and are made to fear death...   it's no wonder our souls can feel so impoverished.

    Starving for spiritual substance, I started looking for insight.  Reading about 'magic' and all sorts of crazy voodoo I wasn't comfortable with.  And then I ran across something called, "The Sage of Diviners".  Not the sage of devils, or drug lords, but the "Sage of Diviners".  I knew I had found something good...

    I was asking myself, "Could this be the answer I'm looking for?  Could this help me decide what to do with my life... prove there is a spiritual realm?  Or is it just another hoax..."

    After a few days of hemming and hawing, looking at all the information there was on it (not very much at the time) I decided what heck.

    I ordered a bag of fresh Salvia Divinorum leaves to try it for myself.

    About a week later, a small package arrived on my doorstep...

    Please goto the next page to read about the Salvia experience...

    • What is the salvia experience feel like?

    • Is it real - or just a dream?

    • What can I expect to see... hear... feel?

    • Read about the effects of Salvia from other users.

    Continue To The Experiences Page...


    (Sold Elsewhere For $30)

    FREE ASTRAL PROJECTION CD-ROM  "The Official Astral Induction" CD Rom used to sold for $30-$50 but we'd like to give it away for free as our gift to you.  Utilizing advanced binaural beat technology (brain wave generation) this track includes 10 minutes of induced relaxation followed by 10 minutes of theta wave immersion. 

    Over 35,000 visitors have enjoyed this introduction to astral world.  Listen to a 32 second sample... click here to hear a sample.



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