SEPTEMBER 11: Bearing Witness to History
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Smithsonian National Museum of American History Behring Center
September 11, 2001, will be remembered as one of the most shocking days in American history. Armed terrorists hijacked four passenger jets and used them as weapons against the United States. The attacks destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged the Pentagon, and killed more than three thousand people.

Soon after September 11, the National Museum of American History began collecting objects to document the attacks and their aftermath.
Photographs by Sean Adair (Reuters), Richard Lipski (Washington Post), Valencia McClatchey
Tell Your Story
All of us carry memories of September 11, 2001. Contribute your story to the September 11 Digital Archive and read other personal accounts.
View the Collection
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view the collection view the collection view the collection
View the Museum's collection of September 11 related objects and hear stories about them from curators and donors.
About the Exhibition
September 11: Bearing Witness to History closed permanently in January 2006 after completing a two-year national tour.

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©2002 National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution