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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Index of Common Names: M

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

African Marigold
Alpine Lady's Mantle
Altai Mountain Thorn
American Mandrake
American Mountain Ash
American Mountain Gooseberry
American Wild Mint
Amur Maple
Annual Meadow Grass
Annual Mercury
Apple Mint
Arizona Maderone
Asian Madder
Asian Mint
Barley Mitchell Grass
Barnyard Millet
Bedstraw Milkweed
Big-Tooth Maple
Bigberry Manzanita
Bigleaf Magnolia
Bitter Milkwort
Black Maple
Black Medick
Black Mulberry
Black Mustard
Blue Mallee
Bog Myrtle
Box Myrtle
Broadleaf Milkweed
Bronvaux Medlar
Brown Mustard
Bull Mallow
Burr Marigold
Bush Moon Flower
Butterfly Mariposa Lily
California Milkweed
Canada Moonseed
Canadian Milkvetch
Canary Madrona
Cantaloupe Melon
Cao Yu Mei
Cape Myrtle
Catalina Mountain Lilac
Chinese Mallow
Chinese Milk Vetch
Chinese Motherwort
Chuan Bei Mu
Club Moss
Cluster Mountain Mint
Common Club Moss
Common Madia
Common Marestail
Common Milkweed
Common Moonwort
Common Morning Glory
Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Corn Marigold
Corn Mint
Corsican Mint
Coyote Mint
Crepe Myrtle
Curled Mustard
Dark Mullein
Desert Milkweed
Dog's Mercury
Downy Manzanita
Drooping Mistletoe
Dwarf Mallow
Dwarf Mallow
Dwarf Marsh Violet
Dwarf Mentzelia
Dwarf Milkweed
Dwarf Morning Glory
Dwarf Mountain Pine
Eastern Manna Grass
Eastern Mayhaw
Eau De Cologne Mint
European Millet
False Mistletoe
Field Madder
Field Maple
Field Marigold
Field Milk Thistle
Field Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Finger Millet
Finger Poppy Mallow
Floating Manna Grass
Fourleaf Milkweed
Fowl Manna Grass
Foxtail Millet
French Marigold
Garlic Mustard
Ginger Mint
Great Masterwort
Great Mullein
Great Purple Monkey Flower
Greek Mustard
Green Milkweed
Greenleaf Manzanita
Grey Myrtle
Hair-Cap Moss
Hairy Manzanita
Hardy Marjoram
Hare's Ear Mustard
Hawthorn-Leaved Maple
Head Mustard
Hedge Mustard
Himalayan May Apple
Himalayan Mulberry
Himalayan Mulberry
Hoary Mountain Mint
Hoary Mullein
Honeydew Melon
Hornbeam Maple
Horse Mint
Humboldt Mulesears
Iceland Moss
Indian Madder
Indian Madder
Indian Milkvetch
Indian Millet
Intoxicating Mint
Isle Of Man Cabbage
Japanese Maple
Japanese Millet
Japanese Mint
Japanese Morning Glory
Jew's Mallow
Korean Mint
Korean Monk's Hood
Korean Mountain Ash
Korean Mulberry
Lady's Mantle
Large Petiole Mustard
Laurel Magnolia
Leaf Mustard
Lemon Marigold
Lesser Meadow Rue
Little Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Littleleaf Mock Orange
Longleaf Mat-Rush
Low Milkweed
Ma Jia Zi
Ma Dou Ling
Ma Dou Ling
Ma Huang
Ma Huang
Ma Huang
Madeira Vine
Madeiran Whortleberry
Madonna Lily
Madwoman's Milk
Magellan Barberry
Mahaleb Cherry
Maiden Sorrel
Maidenhair Fern
Maidenhair Spleenwort
Maidenhair Tree
Maidenhair Vine
Makha Wheat
Malabar Gourd
Male Fern
Mallee Riceflower
Maltese Star Thistle
Manchurian Angelica Tree
Manchurian Apple
Manchurian Apricot
Manchurian Baby's Breath
Manchurian Spikenard
Manchurian Violet
Manchurian Walnut
Manchurian Wild Rice
Manipur Wild-Tea Rose
Manna Ash
Manna Gum
Manna Plant
Manna Tree
Manyflowered Gromwell
Manyflowered Mentzelia
Manystem Peavine
Mao Gen
Maori Onion
Maraschino Cherry
Marginal Woodfern
Mariposa Lily
Mariposa Lily
Maritime Ceanothus
Maritime Pine
Marram Grass
Marrow-Stem Kale
Marsh Andromeda
Marsh Arrow Grass
Marsh Blue Violet
Marsh Cinquefoil
Marsh Cudweed
Marsh Fern
Marsh Fleawort
Marsh Gentian
Marsh Hog's Fennel
Marsh Horsetail
Marsh Mallow
Marsh Marigold
Marsh Orchid
Marsh Orchis
Marsh Speedwell
Marsh Thistle
Marsh Valerian
Marsh Willow Herb
Marsh Woundwort
Marvel Of Peru
Maryland Sanicle
Mastic Thyme
Mastic Tree
Mat Amaranth
Matted St. John's Wort
Mauritius Raspberry
Maximillian Sunflower
Mayes Dewberry
Mayten Tree
Mazari Palm
Meadow Buttercup
Meadow Clary
Meadow Crane's Bill
Meadow Horsetail
Meadow Lily
Meadow Lily
Meadow Lily
Meadow Parsley
Meadow Vetchling
Mealy Goosefoot
Mealy Kudzu
Mealy Saltbush
Memorial Rosa
Menzies' Larkspur
Mesa Dropseed
Mescal Bean
Mexican Barberry
Mexican Barberry
Mexican Barberry
Mexican Blue Oak
Mexican Chia
Mexican Dock
Mexican Elder
Mexican Giant Hyssop
Mexican Orange Flower
Mexican Palmetto
Mexican Pine Nut
Mexican Pine Nut
Mexican Plantain
Mexican Plum
Mexican Tarragon
Mexican Tea
Mexican Tea
Mexican Weeping Pine
Mexican White Pine
Mexican White Sagebrush
Meyer Bamboo
Mi Meng Hua
Mian Shen
Michaelmas Daisy
Midland Hawthorn
Military Orchis
Milk Thistle
Milk Vetch
Milk Vine
Milky Bellflower
Miner's Lettuce
Mint Bush
Mint-Leaved Bergamot
Mirror Plant
Mission Lettuce
Missouri Gooseberry
Missouri Gooseberry
Missouri Willow
Miyama Cherry
Mochi Tree
Mock Orange
Mock Orange
Mock Strawberry
Mock Tomato
Mojave Prickly Pear
Mojave Yucca
Moldavian Balm
Momi Fir
Mongolian Cherry
Mongolian Lime
Mongolian Mulberry
Monkey Flower
Monkey Musk
Monkey Puzzle Tree
Monterey Cypress
Monterey Pine
Montezuma Pine
Moon Trefoil
Mora Comun
Mora De Castilla
Mora Silvestre
Morello Cherry
Moreton Bay Chestnut
Moreton Bay Fig
Morinda Spruce
Mormon Tea
Mormon Tea
Morning Brides
Morning Glory
Morning Star Lily
Moss Campion
Moth Mullein
Mount Atlas Daisy
Mount Diablo Globelily
Mountain Alder
Mountain Ash
Mountain Ash
Mountain Avens
Mountain Beech
Mountain Bell
Mountain Bladder Fern
Mountain Brome
Mountain Brome
Mountain Checkerberry
Mountain Cherry
Mountain Cornflower
Mountain Crowberry
Mountain Dandelion
Mountain Dandelion
Mountain Dogwood
Mountain Ebony
Mountain Groundsel
Mountain Hemlock
Mountain Holly
Mountain Huckleberry
Mountain Iris
Mountain Kangaroo Apple
Mountain Laurel
Mountain Lettuce
Mountain Lovage
Mountain Mahogany
Mountain Mahogany
Mountain Male Fern
Mountain Maple
Mountain Mint
Mountain Mint
Mountain Pennyroyal
Mountain Pepper
Mountain Pepper
Mountain Rice
Mountain Rue
Mountain Rye
Mountain Sagewort
Mountain Snow
Mountain Snowberry
Mountain Sorrel
Mountain Spring Parsley
Mountain Spruce
Mountain Tansy Mustard
Mountain Tarweed
Mountain Tobacco
Mountain Valerian
Mountain Wood Sorrel
Mouse Barley
Mouse Garlic
Mouse-Ear Hawkweed
Mt. St. Helena Fawm Lily
Mt. Wellington Peppermint
Mule's Fat
Mulesears Wyethia
Mulga Acacia
Murray Lily
Muscadine Grape
Musk Mallow
Musk Mallow
Musk Milfoil
Musk Monkey Flower
Musk Mustard
Musk Root
Musk Rose
Musk Storksbill
Musk Thistle
Mustang Grape
Mustang Mountain Balm
Mustard Spinach
Mutton Grass
Muzei Ma Huang
Myriad Leaf
Myrtle Beech
Mysore Thorn
Native Millet
New Mexico Giant Hyssop
New Mexico Locust
New Mexico Prairie Mallow
Northern Maidenhair
Norway Maple
Orange Melon
Oregon Maple
Painted Milkvetch
Paper Mulberry
Parry Manzanita
Pearl Millet
Persian Manna
Pickling Melon
Pine-Mat Manzanita
Pink Mountain Berry
Plains Lemon Monarda
Pointleaf Manzanita
Poppy Mallow
Pot Marigold
Pot Marjoram
Prairie Mimosa
Prickly Moses
Purple Milkweed
Red Maple
Red Mulberry
Red Raripila Mint
Rock Maple
Rocky Mountain Beeplant
Rocky Mountain Chokecherry
Rocky Mountain Columbine
Rocky Mountain Iris
Rocky Mountain Juniper
Rocky Mountain Piñon
Rocky Mountain Raspberry
Rocky Mountain Strawberry
Root Mustard
Rose Moss
Rosemary Mint
Round-Leaved Mint
Rush Milkweed
Sagebrush Mariposa Lily
Saltmarsh Morning Glory
Serpent Melon
Shining Club Moss
Showy Milkweed
Showy Mountain Ash
Silver Maple
Sitka Mountain Ash
Small Reed Mace
Snap Melon
Snowy Mespilus
Southern Magnolia
Southern Mountain Cranberry
Specklepod Milkvetch
Sphagnum Moss
Star Magnolia
Stiff Club Moss
Stone Mint
Sugar Maple
Swamp Milkweed
Swamp Rose Mallow
Sweet Marjoram
Sweet Mountain Grape
Swollen-Stem Mustard
Tall Melilot
Tansy Mustard
Tatarian Maple
Texas Madrone
Texas Mahonia
Texas Mulberry
Tien Ma
Tree Mallow
Tumble Mustard
Vine Maple
Vine Mesquite
Virginia Mountain Mint
Water Mallee
Water Mat
Water Melon
Water Milfoil
Water Mint
Wax Myrtle
Western Marsh Marigold
Western Mayhaw
Western Mountain Ash
White Arctic Mountain Heather
White Meadowsweet
White Melilot
White Mugwort
White Mulberry
White Mulberry
White Mullein
White Mustard
Whiteleaf Mountain Mint
Wild Madder
Wild Melon
Wild Mignonette
Wild Monkshood
Wood Millet
Woollypod Milkweed
Wooly Mullein
Wormseed Mustard
Xing An Sheng Ma
Yellow Mariposa
Yellow Marsh Cress
Yellow Monkey Flower
Yerba Mansa
Zhe Bei Mu
Zhi Mu
Zhong Ma Huang

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

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