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California Institute of Technology
Division of Engineering and Applied Science

Center for
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In the Spotlight

Michael Dickinson, Esther M. and Abe M. Zarem Professor of Bioengineering, and graduate student Gwyneth Card have determined the secret to a fly's evasive maneuvering using high-resolution, high-speed digital imaging of fruit flies faced with that looming swatter. Read more... 09.02.08

Michael Dickinson, Esther M. and Abe M. Zarem Professor of Bioengineering, is among the 190 new Fellows elected to the American Michael DickinsonAcademy of Arts and Sciences this year. Dickinson studies animal physiology and behavior and has become well known for Robofly, a mechanical fly that sprang from his work on the neurobiology and biomechanics of fly locomotion. Throughout his career, Dickinson has used a variety of tools, such as wind tunnels, virtual reality simulators, high-speed video, and giant robotic models, to determine how the poppy seed-sized brains of these tiny insects can rapidly control aerodynamic forces. More than a simple understanding of the material basis for insect flight, Dickinson's studies provide insight into complex systems operating on biological and physical principles: neuronal signaling within brains, the dynamics of unsteady fluid flow, the structural mechanics of composite materials, and the behavior of nonlinear systems are all linked when a fly takes wing. Read more... 04.30.08

View the latest Watson Lecture on line: In a talk entitled The Next-Generation Neural Implant: Let's Start with Retinal Implants, Professor Yu-Chong Tai discusses the technology of retinal implants and recent progress in their development. 03.27.08

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  last modified: 12/1/08  
National Science Foundation
Engineering Research Center