United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Grazing Lands Technical and Program Area Specialties

Updated 06/13/2008

Where to Get Information

Conservation Specialty Name Phone Email
Animal Husbandry Arnold Norman

817-509-3213 arnold.norman@ftw.usda.gov
Animal Nutrition Arnold Norman

817-509-3213 arnold.norman@ftw.usda.gov
Brush Management Pat Shaver 503-273-2407 patrick.shaver@por.usda.gov
Carbon Sequestration Joel Brown 505-646-2854 joelbrown@nmsu.edu
Conservation Planning on Grazing Lands George Peacock 817-509-3211 george.peacock@ftw.usda.gov
Drought Preparedness Arnold Norman 817-509-3213 arnold.norman@ftw.usda.gov
Ecological Site Descriptions George Peacock 817-509-3211 george.peacock@ftw.usda.gov
Ecological Site Information System George Peacock 817-509-3211 george.peacock@ftw.usda.gov
Forage Crop Production & Management Jim Cropper 336-370-3346 james.cropper@gnb.usda.gov
Forage Quality Arnold Norman 817-509-3213 arnold.norman@ftw.usda.gov
Grazing Hydrology Ken Spaeth 817-509-3574 ken.spaeth@ftw.usda.gov
Grazing Land Applications Software Arnold Norman 817-509-3213 arnold.norman@ftw.usda.gov
Grazing Lands Management George Peacock 817-509-3211 george.peacock@ftw.usda.gov
Hayland Management Jim Cropper 336-370-3346 james.cropper@gnb.usda.gov
Invasive Species Pat Shaver 503-273-2407 patrick.shaver@por.usda.gov
Natural Resources Inventory Pat Shaver 503-273-2407 patrick.shaver@por.usda.gov
Nutritional Balance Analyzer Software Arnold Norman 817-509-3212 arnold.norman@ftw.usda.gov
Pastureland Ecology & Management Jim Cropper 336-370-3346 james.cropper@gnb.usda.gov
Prescribed Burning Pat Shaver 503-273-2407 patrick.shaver@por.usda.gov
Rangeland Ecology & Management George Peacock 817-509-3211 george.peacock@ftw.usda.gov
Rangeland Health Pat Shaver 503-273-2407 patrick.shaver@por.usda.gov
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation Jim Cropper 336-370-3346 james.cropper@gnb.usda.gov
Riparian Area Assessment & Management Pat Shaver 503-273-2407 patrick.shaver@por.usda.gov
SPUR /WEPP Technology Ken Spaeth 817-509-3574 ken.spaeth@ftw.usda.gov
Wildfire Effects Pat Shaver 503-273-2407 patrick.shaver@por.usda.gov