Vegan Views magazine

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Our email address has changed - the 'info' one was getting too much spam so we've disabled it. We no longer receive emails sent to the 'info' address

Vegan Views is a UK magazine that is independent of the Vegan Society but shares its aims. It was started in 1975 by a group of vegans who wanted to make contact with others interested in creating a more harmonious way of living based on veganism, and to communicate more informally than could be done in the official journal of the Vegan Society. It realises that many vegans feel isolated from society and appreciate contact with, and news and opinions of, other vegans.

We welcome all letters, articles, news of events, and constructive criticism - and try to print all that is relevant and of interest in the magazine. We welcome drawings too (colour preferred). We rely on readers' contributions. If you don't want your letter published please make this clear when you write or email.

We expect to publish quarterly, but have no fixed publication date, so write early to be included in the next issue.

VV116 (Autumn/Winter 2008) is now out.

Free Download! Vegan Views Magazine can now be downloaded as an Acrobat file completely free, the full magazine, no catches, right here.
Vegan Views Book Catalogue We've teamed up with October Books in Southampton who now provide us with a mail-order vegan book catalogue. For the latest version, see the downloadable catalogue on the October Books website at

14 Dec 08 Autumn/Winter 2008 issue of Vegan Views (VV116) now uploaded
16 Nov 08 Knut Caspari (the new editor of Vegan Views from Feb 2009) has produced a Norwegian book/magazine catalogue:
12 Jan 08 The Art House - a not-for-profit art gallery in Southampton is opening a fully veggie café with plenty of vegan choices. See:

In August 2008, we anounced that we are no longer accepting new subscriptions since we had decided to be an internet-only magazine. Since then, Knut Caspari volunteered to taked over as editor, and will be continuing with the paper-based magazine. There will be changes to the magazine, including the introduction of colour in the printed version, so the cover price (current £1) unfortunately has to increase. The new subscription rates for 4 issues are:
  UK 4 x £2 plus 50p p&p. Total £10.
  Europe 4 x �plus �p&p. Total £12.
  Norway 100 kr for 4 issues. Paid to: 0530 3049616. (Kontoeier: Stiftelsen Markens Gr;de)
  Rest of world 4 x £2 plus £1.50 p&p. Total £14.
All payments must be in UK currency (although people from Norway can pay in norwegian kr). Send orders to: Vegan Views, Longridge, Bankend Rd, Dumfries, DG1 4TP. Or phone 01387 265 348 if you have any questions.

If you would like to write something, please do, then send your articles, letters, drawings etc. to the address above before 1/2/09. or email: sjolberg*AT*

Shops & Groups Selling Vegan Views
Real Foods Ltd, 37 Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3JU. 0131 557 1911.
On the Eighth Day, 111 Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 7DU. 0161 273 4878.
News From Nowhere, 96 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4HY. 0151 708 7270.
Veggies, Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX. 0845 458 9595.
One Earth Shop, 54 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH. 0121 632 6909
Drop in the Ocean, 17 City Arcade, Coventry CV1 3HX. 024 7622 5273
Arjuna Wholefoods, 12 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB1 2AD. 01223 364845.
October Books, 243 Portswood Road, Southampton SO17 2NG. 023 8058 1030.
Solent Vegetarians & Vegans - a local group which sell Vegan Views at their meetings in Southampton.
Canterbury Wholefoods, 1 & 2 Jewry Lane, Canterbury CT1 2RP. 01227 464623.
Earthfoods, 75 Southbourne Grove, Bournemouth BH6 3QU. 01202 422465
Wessex Tales Vegetarian Restaurant, 20 Ashley Rd, Boscombe, Bournemouth. 01202 309869.

Back Issues
Many back issues are still available for 50p each. We offer eight for £3 including postage. Topics covered include:
VV115 Space Cowboys, VV114 Cultured Meat, VV113 Buddhism and Meat-Eating, VV112 Meat - Blessing or Curse?, VV111 Cows' Milk, VV110 Classical Homeopathy, VV109 Trees for Africa, VV108 Vaccinations/In memory of Frieden Howard, VV107 Donald Watson - in memory, VV106 Sheep problems, VV105 Vegan fuel, VV104 Arthur Ling tribute, VV103 Eating out in Manchester, VV102 Our prehistoric diet, VV100 Vegan Views: the early years, VV99 No more fish, VV98 Food Co-ops, VV97 Interview with Steve Walsh, VV96 Interview with Karin Ridgers, VV95 Interview with Liz Cook.