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USA Frost Zone Map
Definitions of Frosts/Freezes
United States Average Zone Frost Dates

United States Frost Zone Map
USA Planting Zones,plant hardiness zones,frost dates

When planning your garden you need to take planting zones and frost dates into consideration.

Use this planting zone map as a general reference when determining what garden and landscape plants will survive the climate in your area.

Plant Hardiness Zones divide the United States into 11 planting zones based on a 10 degree Fahrenheit difference in the average annual minimum temperatures.

For example, the average annual minimum temperature in Zone 2 is -50 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit, and the average annual minimum lowest temperature in zone 10 is +30 to +40 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are also different climates and frost dates within planting zones in a region due to the topography, lakes and rivers, canyons or mountains. These can cause altered airflows which can raise or lower the temperature, changing the zone in your area. The chemical balance and texture of the soil, exposure, altitude, rainfall, humidity, sun light levels, and wind, and wind chill factors can also alter the effects of plant hardiness zones.

You should also consider the hardiness rating of the plants you would like to grow. Some plants will not live through severe winters; others will wither in heat; and many spring-flowering bulbs and trees need a cold period to stimulate their growth cycles.Plants usually survive the cold better in a dry area. Deciduous plants tolerate a more exposure, and the summer heat. Evergreens prefer a sheltered area with more humidity, and cooler summers.

Definitions of Frosts/Freezes

32+ degrees - a light Freeze, damage depends upon the duration of the frost, humidity, topography, etc.

Light Freeze
29F to 32F - tender plants are killed with little effect on other vegetation.

Moderate Freeze
25F to 28F – damage to most vegetation with heavier damage to fruit blossoms and tender plants.

Severe Freeze
24F and colder, heavy damage to all but the hardiest of plants.

United States Average Zone Frost Dates

Zone 1
Average dates the last frost - 1 Jun / 30 Jun
Average date of the first frost - 1 Jul to 31 Jul
vulnerable to frost 365 days per year

Zone 2
Average dates the last frost - 1 May to 31 May
Average dates first frost - 1 August to 31 August

Zone 3
Average dates the last frost - 1 May to 31 May
Average dates first frost - 1 September to 30 September

Zone 4 - our zone for Giannangelo Farms Southwest at 7300'
Average dates the last frost - 1 May to 30 May
Average dates the first frost - 1 September to 30 September

Zone 5
Average dates the last frost - 30 March to 30 April
Average dates the first frost - 30 September to 30 October

Zone 6
Average dates the last frost - 30 March to 30 April
Average dates the first frost - 30 September to 30 October

Zone 7
Average dates the last frost - 30 March to 30 April
Average dates the first frost - 30 September to 30 October

Zone 8
Average dates the last frost - 28 February to 30 March
Average dates the first frost - 30 October to 30 November

Zone 9
Average dates the last frost - 30 January to 28 February
Average dates the first frost - 30 November to 30 December

Zone 10
Average dates the last frost - 30 January or before
Average dates the first frost - 30 November to 30 December

Zone 11
Free of Frost throughout the year.

Website designed and maintained by Giannangelo Farms Southwest
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Created by Frank and Vicky Giannangelo, copyright (c) 2001-2008 by Giannangelo Farms Southwest

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