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Past Spotlights

golden plover from painting by Louis Agassiz FuertesOur migrant shorebirds in southern South America
United States Department of Agriculture
Based on field work conducted in Argentina and Uruguay from 1920 to 1921, this report describes wintering grounds of shorebirds and the changes caused by man through expansion of cattle grazing, drainage of marshes, and hunting. (Added December 2008)

Single-deck metal cotConvict labor for road work
United States Department of Agriculture
This 1916 bulletin is based on the results of an investigation conducted by the Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering and the United States Public Health Service. The bulletin provides a digest of convict road laws and many operational details, including camp equipment, sanitation, and discipline.
View Part 1 and Part 2. (Added November 2008)

Calosoma sycophantaCalosoma sycophanta: its life history, behavior, and successful colonization in New England
USDA. Bureau of Entomology.
Calosoma sycophanta is described as one of the most important natural enemies of the gipsy moth and the brown-tailed moth. This 1911 bulletin provides information on the beetle's life history, colonization, and economic importance. (Added October 2008)

missionary strawberries affected by Rhizoctonia hard brown rotJournal of Agricultural Research (JAR)
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.
The research results of the Department and Experiment Stations were published in JAR in 78 volumes from 1913 to 1949. Browse the volumes. (Added September 2008)

Sample of hemp hurds showing hemp fiber and pieces of wood tissueHemp hurds as paper-making materials
United States Department of Agriculture.
Published in 1916 as USDA Bulletin number 404, the first part of this paper provides a brief overview of the agricultural aspects of hemp. The second part discusses the results of a preliminary investigation into the use of hemp in the manufacture of book and printing papers. (Added August 2008)

forest scene from handbook 559National forest landscape management
USDA. Forest Service.
Volume 1, published in 1973 as Agriculture Handbook no. 434, is a training document used to illustrate the concepts of the Forest Service landscape managment program. Volume 2 focuses on the application of visual resource management principals to activities on National Forest System lands. Chapters were published in handbooks 462, 478, 483, 484, 550, 608, and 666. Select the handbook volumes. (Added July 2008)

drawing of willow and white oak treesShade trees for the home
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.
Agriculture Handbook no. 425 (published in 1972) presents information about shade trees that are suitable for planting around homes in the continental United States, except Alaska. Small ornamental trees and shade trees for streets are not specifically discussed. (Added June 2008)

Red mite preying on spruce budworm eggsSpruce budworms handbook: predators of the spruce budworm
USDA. Forest Service.
Agriculture Handbook no. 644 (published in 1985) is one of a series on the spruce budworm, Choristoneura furniferana, the most destructive insect pest in eastern North America. Agriculture Handbook no. 639, Using dendrochronology to measure radial growth of defoliated trees, is another title in the series. (Added May 2008)

steam spargers used in beer columnsMotor fuels from farm products
United States Department of Agriculture
Miscellaneous Publication no. 327 (published in 1938) presents statistics on the annual production and geographic distribution of various farm crops suitable as raw material for producing compounds for use in motor-fuel blends. (Added April 2008)

Section of diagram of two-queen colony management equipmentTwo-queen system of honey bee colony management
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.
Production Research Report no. 161 (published in 1976) describes the mechanics and theory of the two-queen system and includes step-by-step handling and organization of the colonies. (Added March 2008)

Mature female golden nematodesThe golden nematode handbook: survey, laboratory, control, and quarantine procedures
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.
Agriculture Handbook no. 353 (published in 1968) describes the regulatory measures and laboratory and field techniques used to carry out a large-scale control program against the golden nematode. (Added February 2008)

airphoto of Greenbelt, Maryland, October 1963Uses of airphotos for rural and urban planning
USDA. Economic Research Service.
Agriculture Handbook no. 315 (published in 1966) describes how airphotos are made and how photogrammetry and photo interpretation are used in preparing rural and urban development plans. (Added January 2008)

past spotlights 2007

illustrations of flowers, mushroomLinnaeus’s system of botany, so far as relates to his classes and orders of plants
This 1777 volume by William Curtis illustrates Linnaeus's classes and orders of common English plants. NAL's holdings of Carl Linnaeus include over 300 books and dissertations written by or about the "Father of Taxonomy." For more information, see the Special Collections guide: Carl von Linné Materials at the National Agricultural Library. (Added December 2007)

woman and man eatingComposition of Foods...Raw, Processed, Prepared
USDA. Human Nutrition Information Service.
Historically, USDA has been responsible for the task of deriving representative nutritive values of food. These food composition tables were published in 21 volumes as Agriculture Handbook no. 8. Browse the volumes. (Added November 2007)

gypsy mothClassifying Forest Susceptibility to Gypsy Moth Defoliation
United States Department of Agriculture.
This 1979 Agriculture Handbook no. 542 describes New England stands that are susceptible or resistant to gypsy moth defoliation, and presents an objective method for predicting the susceptibility of stands to defoliation. (Added October 2007)

cover from volume 1Tropical Tree Seed Manual
USDA. Forest Service.
This is the second volume of a two-volume set that together describe 750 species of trees. Volume 1, Common Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, was published in 1964 as Agriculture Handbook no. 249 and Volume 2 was published in 1974 as Agriculture Handbook no. 449 in English and Spanish. (Added September 2007)

Young solar collector, opening to airflowThe Young Solar Collector: an Evaluation of its Multiple Farm Uses
USDA. Economics and Statistics Service.
This Agricultural Economic Report no. 466 (published in 1981) describes the Young flat-plate solar collector, which was designed by a Nebraska farm couple and personnel from the Small Farm Energy Project. (Added August 2007)

epigeal germination-cryptocotylar seedling, page 97Tropical Tree Seed Manual
USDA. Forest Service.
A reference manual that provides comprehensive, internationally compiled data about tropical seeds, including descriptions of 197 botanically and economically important tropical tree species. Select Agriculture Handbook no. 721 from this list. (Added July 2007)

ColeopteraCatalog of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico
USDA. ARS. Systematic Entomology Lab.
There are about 220,000 described species of Coleoptera (beetles), of which 24,000 occur in the United States and Canada. The fascicles of this catalog have been issued since 1979 and were produced by an originial group of computer programs, designed and written by the Systematic Entomology Lab of the USDA Agricultural Research Service. Browse Agriculture Handbook 529. (Added June 2007)

Plate XVI, the tops of the Black MountainsMessage from the President...Southern Appalachian Region
United States Department of Agriculture.
This report was issued in 1902 by the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountains of the Southern Appalachian region. Its conclusions point to the creation of a national forest reserve in certain parts of the Southern States. Select the report from this list . (Added May 2007)

United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service  logoFruit and Vegetable Market News Reports
USDA. Agricultural Marketing Service.
The reports are a collection of data on the annual shipment summaries of fresh fruit and vegetable commodities in the United States from 1916 to 1998, and of regional summaries of arrival/unload totals from 1960 to 1980 or 1998, depending on the area. These historical data were compiled by the USDA
Agricultural Marketing Service and its predecessor agencies. Browse the reports. (Added April 2007)

Issac Newton, First Commissioner of AgricultureCentury of Service: the First 100 Years of the United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture.
Century of Service (1963) explores the history of USDA from 1862, when the Department was established by Abraham Lincoln, through the administration of John F. Kennedy. The publication is divided into parts. Select the title from this list. (Added March 007)

lesser grain borer adultStored-Grain Insects
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.
This Agriculture Handbook no. 500 (revised 1986) describes the five primary pests that cause the most insect damage to grain in shipment and storage--the granary, rice, maize, and Australian wheat weevils and the Angoumois grain moth. The handbook also includes other insect species that can cause damage if storage conditions are favorable. The handbook is divided into five parts. Select Agriculture Handbook no. 500 from this list. (Added February 2007)

Cover, Second World's Poultry Congress, 1924World's Poultry Congress - 2nd to 4th (1924 to 1930)
World's Poultry Science Association.
The World's Poultry Science Assocation sponsors The World's Poultry Congress as part of its objective to advance knowledge and understanding of all aspects of poultry science and the poultry industry. The congresses feature both research and exhibitions in order to strengthen the ties between science and practice. Browse the volumes. (Added January 2007)

past spotlights 2006

typical corm of the Trinidad DasheenThe Dasheen; its Uses and Culture
United States Department of Agriculture.
What's a dasheen? This article in the 1916 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture describes the Trinidad dasheen, a variety of a particular type of taro. According to the article, the name dasheen seems to be a corruption of the French phrase "de la Chine," meaning "from China." The article includes cooking suggestions, like stuffed dasheen in the half shell. (Added December 2006)

drying figs, 1897Division of Pomology Bulletin
USDA. Division of Pomology.
The bulletin, published in 10 volumes from 1888 to 1901, provides the history and condition of tropical and semi-tropical fruits within the United States. The individual bulletins are devoted to specific fruits, such as figs, wild grapes, and prunes, and to broader topics, like the fruit industry. Browse the bulletins. (Added September 2006)

apple maggot The Apple Maggot
United States Department of Agriculture.
From page 1 of this Technical Bulletin no. 66: "Everyone living in the country, in New England and near-by States, is familiar with the disappointment experienced on biting into a "rail- roaded" or maggoty apple. Many such apples give no external warning that anything is wrong, although their interior may be a broken-down mass of rotten pulp." Read more about Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh. (Added September 2006)

Symbol used on the Bean Improvement Cooperative Annual ReportAnnual Report and Conference Proceedings
Bean Improvement Cooperative.
The Bean Improvement Cooperative is a voluntary organization dedicated to the improvement of bean production worldwide. BIC facilitates the exchange of information and materials through its Web site, publications and meetings. Browse the reports and proceedings. (Added August 2006)

Dr. Raucous, eminent economist and Col. Figgers, dean of statisticians, page 49As We Recall: the Growth of Agricultural Estimates, 1933-1961
USDA. Statistical Reporting Service.
An informal account of some of the people who guided the course of the U.S. Crop Reporting Service from 1933 to 1961, a time period marked by many historically significant events, such as the Great Depression, the New Deal and World War II. View the volume. (Added June 2006)

Redmond's steam plow, Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1870, Plate XVII The Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture.
The Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture was published from 1862 to 1888 and then changed titles to The Report of the Secretary of Agriculture in 1889. This series features the annual report submitted by the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture to the President of the United States, describing the agricultural condition of the country and the work accomplished by the department. (Added May 2006)

Cover, Rural tourism handbook : selected case studies and development guide, 1994The Rural Development Publication Digitizing Project
The Rural Development Publication Digitizing Project was the first endeavor of the NALDR. With funding provided by the Rural Information Center at NAL, the full text of publications that relate to rural development in America were added, including the entire series of Rural Development Research Reports, Rural Development Perspectives, Agricultural Economic Reports, and Agriculture Information Bulletins, as well as selected Economic Research Staff Reports and the first 300 volumes of Agriculture Handbooks. Go to Tables of Contents to view a list of all publications in the repository. (Added February 2006)

Last Modified: December 1, 2008     
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