Using Soil Surveys To Guide The Placement Of Water Quality Buffers

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Using Soil Surveys To Guide The Placement Of Water Quality Buffers

"Riparian forests and other vegetative buffers may function better in some locations than in others for protecting and improving stream water quality. A simple method was developed for using information contained in soil surveys to identify better locations for filtering sediment and dissolved pollutants from surface and groundwater flow. The method provides an estimate of how well a buffer would work in each soil map unit. The mapped results can guide managers to locations where protection and installation of buffers would yield greater water quality benefits." By Michael G. Dosskey, Matthew J. Helmers, and Dean E. Eisenhauer. Reprinted from the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Volume 61, Number 6. Copyright © 2006 Soil And Water Conservation Society.

Research Projects

Research Assessments


  • Filter Strip Performance And Processes For Different Vegetation, Widths, And Contaminants (EPA/UNL)
  • Importance Of Tree-Based Buffers At The Landscape Level Under Shifting Climate Scenarios (UNL)
  • Water Quality Functions Of Vegetative Buffer Systems: Evaluation Of Procedures And Enhancements (UNL)
  • Advancing The Statistical Analyses Of Agroforestry Systems: Scaling Impacts From Site To Landscape (UNL)

Decision-Making Tools

  • Calibration/Validation Of The Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM) (ARS, NRCS)
  • A Comprehensive Landscape Planning Methodology For Designing Buffers (EPA/U Of MO)
  • Visualization Tools For Conservation Planning And Design (UI-Urbana)
  • Plant Selection Guide For Design Of Multipurpose Riparian Buffers (UNL)


  • ASA Special Symposium: Buffers For Water Quality (November 1999)
  • Agroforestry Technical Note Series: Riparian Principles And Design; Agroforestry Planning And Design

Geospatial Analysis

  • MLRA 109 Atlas