University of Kentucky Research

Sponsored Projects Reports

Fiscal Year-to-Date Sponsored Projects Awards Totals

Awards received through UKRF for July 2008 through November 2008 total $161,464,331. The total for the same period last year was $137,942,920. Federal awards are $80 million compared to $66 million last year.

  • November 08 departmental totals (PDF, 4 pages)
  • November 08 account-level report (PDF, 108 pages) (Excel)

For previous months, see the Awards Archive.

This report includes any award with a start date within the reporting period and any budgetary addition or reduction to existing projects processed within the reporting period. The "New" column represents new accounts; the "Adjusted" column represents modifications to existing accounts. For more information, contact Deborah Davis, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration.

Sponsored Projects Reports

