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UN logo UN intro
Introduction to the history and work of the UN.

UN News Centre
Read the latest news about UN.

UN Webcast
Daily Live and on-demand webcast of UN meetings, conferences and events.

UN Publications UN Publications
A list of K-12 resources.

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refugees Against All Odds
This interactive online game was created by UNHCR to increase students' awareness and knowledge about refugee situations by putting players in the position of a refugee.

stopdisasters Stop Disasters
Learn how to respond to different disasters in this new simulation video game from UN/ISDR.

foodforce Food Force
Play this popular video game on world hunger. Six different missions. For 8-13 year olds.

flagtag Flag Tag
Do you know lots of flags? Tag the right one! Test yourself...

Water Quiz Water Quiz
Discover fascinating facts about everyone's favorite liquid.

more quizzes+games

Some of the content on our site requires Flash Player 8 or higher.
Viewing webcasts or other video materials on our site requires Real Player.

2008 Student Conference on Human Rights
2008 Student Conference on Human Rights will take place from 3-5 December. Theme: Climate Change and Human Rights. Registration for the discussion forums is now open. Log in if you have already registered. Email your questions for the conference to:

Live Video Chat -- Climate Change
Participate in our next live video chat on 20 Nov. at 3 p.m. (EST) Theme: Climate Change Learn more

Global Handwashing Day
15 October is handwashing day. Join millions of people around the world who will be washing their hands with soap to reduce diseases caused by unsafe water and the lack of sanitation facilities. Learn more.

International Day of Peace 2008
PeacedayWatch the archived webcast of the students observance of the International Day of Peace. Read a sample of the thousands of peace messages received from around the world.

Ask the Secretary-General
Thank you to all the students around the world who sent questions to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Questions and answers will be posted in a couple of months.

Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Looking for curricula on nuclear weapons and small arms? Want to send a question to a survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima? Visit our new Disarmament and Non-Proliferation website.

Child Soldiers WebQuest
There are more than 250,000 children in armed conflict - some are as young as 7 years old! Go on the WebQuest, and help answer its big question:
What should be done about child soldiers?

CRC 18th Anniversary
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) turns 18 this year. View our new lesson plan and multi-media essay on the CRC produced in collaboration with Magnum Photos. Also, visit UNICEF's site on the CRC@18 to learn more about your rights.

The Millennium Development Goals
Learn about the Millennium Development Goals and what you can do to help eliminate poverty around the world.

ABC: Teaching Human Rights
ABC: Teaching Human RightsRead ABC Teaching Human Rights, a publication by OHCHR filled with basic information and activities for primary and secondary teachers who want to foster an awareness of human rights. Downloads with Adobe Reader.

Explore PANWAPA, a new online world designed by Sesame Workshop to help young children develop skills needed to become global citizens.

Plant for the Planet
Join the campaign to plant one billion trees! Enter your tree planting pledge to help reach this goal during 2008.


Peace Education
Briefing Papers
Schools Demining Schools
Human Rights
Cities of the World
World Hunger
Indigenous People
Rights at Work
Ethnic Discrimination
Racial Discrimination
more curriculum


Model UN
Model UN Headquarters
Everything you need to know about the world's most fascinating simulation.
FAQs, tips, links, and forums.

Past Events
World Environment Day 2008
Student Conference on Human Rights 2007
International Day of Peace - 2007
  more events

art Art made by students from all over the world.

the gallery

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