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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Index of Common Names: W

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ague Weed
Alaska Wild Rhubarb
Almond-Leaved Willow
Alpine Wintergreen
Alpine Wormwood
American Water Cress
American Water Lotus
American Wild Mint
American Wisteria
Arizona Walnut
Arrow Wood
Asthma Weed
Bai Tou Weng
Bai Wei
Bay Willow
Beach Wormwood
Beak Willow
Bei Wu Tou
Biennial Wormwood
Bishop's Weed
Black Walnut
Black Wattle
Black Willow
Blue Spider Wort
Blue Wild Rye
Blue-Leaved Wattle
Bog Wintergreen
Boggabri Weed
Bread Wheat
Brown Watercress
Bushy Wallflower
California Walnut
California Wild Rose
Californian White Oak
Canadian Wild Rye
Canadian Wood Nettle
Cancer Weed
Careless Weed
Caucasian Whortleberry
Caucasian Wingnut
Caustic Weed
Chickweed Wintergreen
Chilean Wine Palm
Chinese Walnut
Chinese Water Chestnut
Chinese Weeping Cypress
Chinese White Olive
Chinese White Pine
Chinese Wild Peach
Chinese Wild Peach
Chinese Wisteria
Chinese Yellow Wood
Chou Wu Tong
Club Wheat
Coastal Wallflower
Coastal Wattle
Colorado Wild Potato
Common Blue Wood Aster
Common Waterwort
Coyote Willow
Crack Willow
Crazy Weed
Creeping Willow
Crested Wood Fern
Cricket Bat Willow
Crown Wood-Fern
Cutleaf Waterparsnip
Desert Willow
Downy Woundwort
Dune Willow
Dune Willow
Durum Wheat
Dwarf White-Striped Bamboo
Dyer's Woodruff
Feltleaf Wiillow
Fragrant Water Lily
Fragrant Wintergreen
Fragrant Woodfern
Fringed Wormwood
Giant White Fawnlily
Giant Wild Rye
Glacier Wormwood
Goat Willow
Golden Wattle
Golden Weather Glass
Golden Weather Glass
Golden Willow
Goodding's Willow
Great Saint John's Wort
Great Water Dock
Great Water Plantain
Green Wattle
Green-Flowered Wintergreen
Grey Willow
Hairy Rupture Wort
Halberd-Leaved Willow
He Shou Wu
Heartseed Walnut
Hedge Woundwort
Hind's Black Walnut
Indian Wild Pear
Indian Woodoats
Japan Wood-Oil Tree
Japanese Walnut
Japanese Water Iris
Japanese White Pine
Japanese Wineberry
Japanese Wingnut
Japanese Wisteria
Joe Pye Weed
Joint Weed
Khurasan Wheat
King William Pine
Knife-Leaf Wattle
Largeflower Wild Onion
Leather Wood
Leather Wood
Madeiran Whortleberry
Makha Wheat
Manchurian Walnut
Manchurian Wild Rice
Manipur Wild-Tea Rose
Marginal Woodfern
Marsh Willow Herb
Marsh Woundwort
Matted St. John's Wort
Mexican Weeping Pine
Mexican White Pine
Mexican White Sagebrush
Missouri Willow
Mountain Wood Sorrel
Mt. Wellington Peppermint
Mulesears Wyethia
Naked Weed
Narrow-Leaf Wattle
Necklace Weed
Nepalese White Thorn
Old Witch Grass
Oregon White Oak
Oriental White Oak
Pacific Waterleaf
Pacific Willow
Pale Wolfberry
Paleleaf Woodland Sunflower
Peach Leaved Willow
Pellitory Of The Wall
Pellitory Of The Wall
Perennial Wall Rocket
Persian Wheat
Pickerel Weed
Pineapple Weed
Plains Wild Indigo
Polish Wheat
Poverty Weed
Pygmy Water Lily
Queensland Silver Wattle
Rattlesnake Weed
Rattlesnake Weed
Red Wild Buckwheat
River Willow
Rivet Wheat
Roman Wormwood
Rosegold Pussy Willow
Rosin Weed
Rosin Weed
Round-Leaved Wintergreen
Rupture Wort
Russian Wormwood
Russian Wormwood
Russian Wormwood
Sacred Water Lotus
Scouler's Willow
Sea Wormwood
Sharp-Leaf Willow
Shawnee Wood
Shining Willow
Shot Wheat
Siberian Wallflower
Sidebells Wintergreen
Sidney Golden Wattle
Silky Wisteria
Sitka Willow
Skeleton Weed
Skunk Weed
Slender Willow
Smooth Withe Rod
Southwestern White Pine
Speckled Wood Lily
Spelt Wheat
Spiny Wood Fern
Spotted Wintergreen
Spreading Sneeze Weed
Square-Stemmed Willow Herb
Squinancy Wort
St. John's Wort
Sunflower Wyethia
Swallow Wort
Swamp Wattle
Swamp White Oak
Swedish Whitebeam
Sweet William
Sweet Winter Grape
Sweet Woodruff
Swine Wartcress
Tall Wheatgrass
Tallow Wood
Tealeaf Willow
Texas Walnut
Texas White Ash
Trailing Wild Raspberry
Tuberous Water Lily
Vavilov's Wheat
Violet Willow
Violet Wood Sorrel
Virginia Waterleaf
Volga Wild Rye
Wall Germander
Wall Lettuce
Wall Rocket
Wall Rue
Wall Whitlow Grass
Washington Thorn
Water Arum
Water Avens
Water Betony
Water Birch
Water Blinks
Water Bulrush
Water Bush
Water Celery
Water Chestnut
Water Chickweed
Water Clover
Water Crowfoot
Water Dropwort
Water Dropwort
Water Dropwort
Water Forget-Me-Not
Water Fringe
Water Germander
Water Hawthorn
Water Hickory
Water Horehound
Water Hyacinth
Water Lobelia
Water Locust
Water Mallee
Water Mat
Water Melon
Water Milfoil
Water Mint
Water Oak
Water Parsnip
Water Parsnip
Water Pennywort
Water Purslane
Water Purslane
Water Ribbons
Water Shield
Water Smartweed
Water Soldier
Water Speedwell
Water Starwort
Water Tupelo
Water Violet
Water WhirlGrass
Wavy Bittercress
Wavy-Leaved Thistle
Wavyleaf Oak
Wax Currant
Wax Gourd
Wax Myrtle
Wax Palm
Wax Palm
Wax Palm
Wax Tree
Waxflower Shinleaf
Wayfaring Tree
Wedgescale Saltbush
Weeping Love Grass
Weeping Pittosporum
Weeping Spruce
Weeping Willow
Wei Ling Xian
Welsh Onion
Welted Thistle
West Himalayan Fir
West Indin Chickweed
Western Balsam Poplar
Western Blueberry
Western Buttercup
Western Chokecherry
Western Columbine
Western Dock
Western Dog Violet
Western Dogwood
Western Gromwell
Western Hemlock
Western Juniper
Western Larch
Western Marsh Marigold
Western Mayhaw
Western Mountain Ash
Western Poison Oak
Western Prickly Pear
Western Rattlesnake Plantain
Western Red Cedar
Western Redbud
Western Sand Cherry
Western Seepweed
Western Snakeroot
Western Soapberry
Western Sweet-Cicely
Western Waterleaf
Western White Pine
Western Wild Lettuce
Western Wild Rose
Wetern Blackcurrant
Wheelscale Saltbush
Whisky Currant
White Alder
White Arctic Mountain Heather
White Arrow Arum
White Ash
White Avens
White Balsam
White Baneberry
White Basil-Balm
White Basswood
White Birch
White Birch
White Bog-Orchid
White Bryony
White Campion
White Cherry
White Clematis
White Clover
White Cypress
White Cypress-Pine
White Dead Nettle
White Elderberry
White False Indigo
White Hellebore
White Henbane
White Horehound
White Lettuce
White Lupin
White Lupin
White Meadowsweet
White Melilot
White Mugwort
White Mulberry
White Mulberry
White Mullein
White Mustard
White Oak
White Panicle Aster
White Peppermint
White Pine
White Poplar
White Prairie Clover
White Prairie Clover
White Prickly Poppy
White Prince's Plume
White Sage
White Sage
White Sage
White Snakeroot
White Spruce
White Thistle
White Trillium
White Trout-Lily
White Trumpet Lily
White Vervain
White Wall Rocket
White Water Lily
White Waxberry
White Willow
White-Bark Pine
White-Flowered Currant
Whitebark Raspberry
Whitedaisy Tidytips
Whiteleaf Mountain Mint
Whitemouth Dayflower
Whitest Evening Primrose
Whitestem Blazing Star
Whitestem Gooseberry
Whitetip Clover
Whitey Wood
Whitlow Grass
Whorled Solomon's Seal
Whorled Yellow Loosestrife
Widewing Springparsley
Wild Angelica
Wild Basil
Wild Bergamot
Wild Cabbage
Wild Carrot
Wild Carrot
Wild Celery
Wild Cherry
Wild Cherry
Wild Clary
Wild Coffee
Wild Columbine
Wild Cucumber
Wild Cucumber
Wild Cumin
Wild Daffodil
Wild Date Plum
Wild Einkorn
Wild Emmer
Wild Fennel
Wild Fig
Wild Four O'clock Plant
Wild Garlic
Wild Ginger
Wild Ginger
Wild Goose Plum
Wild Himalayan Cherry
Wild Hyacinth
Wild Hyacinth
Wild Hyacinth
Wild Indigo
Wild Indigo
Wild Indigo
Wild Leek
Wild Lettuce
Wild Lettuce
Wild Lily Of The Valley
Wild Liquorice
Wild Madder
Wild Melon
Wild Mignonette
Wild Monkshood
Wild Oats
Wild Olive
Wild Onion
Wild Onion
Wild Parsley
Wild Pea
Wild Pear
Wild Pepper Grass
Wild Potato
Wild Potato Vine
Wild Quinine
Wild Radish
Wild Raspberry
Wild Rhea
Wild Rice
Wild Rosemary
Wild Sarsaparilla
Wild Senna
Wild Service Tree
Wild Soya Bean
Wild Spaniard
Wild Spurge
Wild Strawberry
Wild Sunflower
Wild Thyme
Wild Thyme
Wild Tobacco
Wild Tomatillo
Wild Turnip
Wild Turnip-Rape
Wild Yam
Willow Dock
Willow Grass
Willow Herb
Willow Oak
Willow-Leaved Pear
Willow-Leaved Sea Buckthorn
Willowleaf Podocarp
Wind Flower
Winged Bean
Winged Buckwheat
Winged Elm
Winged Pigweed
Winged Prickly Ash
Winged Prickly Ash
Winged Spindle Tree
Winged Spindle Tree
Winter Apple
Winter Cherry
Winter Cherry
Winter Creeper
Winter Daphne
Winter Savory
Winter Squash
Winter Sweet
Winter Tares
Winter Tares
Winter's Bark
Winter-Flowering Jasmin
Wire Grass
Wiry Wattle
Witch Hazel
Withe Rod
Wombat Berry
Wood Anemone
Wood Avens
Wood Betony
Wood Cranesbill
Wood Horsetail
Wood Leek
Wood Lily
Wood Millet
Wood Rose
Wood Sage
Wood Sanicle
Wood Sorrel
Wood Violet
Woodcock Orchid
Woodland Pinedrops
Woodland Strawberry
Woolly Cinquefoil
Woolly Grass Bulrush
Woolly Parosella
Woolly Sweet-Cicely
Woolly Thyme
Woolly Willow
Woolly Wyethia
Woollypod Milkweed
Wooly Blue Violet
Wooly Geranium
Wooly Mullein
Wooly Thistle
Wormleaf Stonecrop
Wormseed Mustard
Wrinkle-Leaved Sage
Wu Jia Pi
Wu La Te Huang Qi
Wu Wei Zi
Wu Zhu Yu
Wych Elm
Wyoming Indian Paintbrush
Yellow Water Lily
Yellow Willow
Yellow Wood
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Yellow Wort
Yew-Leaf Willow

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

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