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Spills Technology and Remediation Series (STARS)


The goal at each petroleum spill site is to remove the spilled petroleum product from the soil in the most efficient and safe manner in order that the soil may be returned to a reusable product. When complete removal is not possible, practical, or cost effective, the objective is to remediate the contaminated media to concentration levels which will protect groundwater, human health and the environment. The Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Guidance Policy is intended to provide direction on the handling, disposal and/or reuse of non-hazardous petroleum-contaminated soils. The reuse or disposal options for excavated soils vary depending on the level of treatment provided consistent with protecting the public health and the environment. While this document does not establish standards, it is intended as guidance in determining whether soils have been contaminated to levels which require investigation and remediation.


Biocell and Biopile Designs for Small-Scale Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Projects - As the number of petroleum-contaminated sites requiring cleanup in New York State increases, so does the desire for better, faster and more cost-effective ways to investigate and remediate these sites. This situation becomes more significant as the option of landfilling petroleum-contaminated soils decreases as more landfills close. As a result, landfilling becomes more costly for the few which remain in operation. Landfilling also brings with it the liability of stored petroleum-contaminated soil as well as the transfer of contaminated material from one location to another. The generic biocell and biopile designs are intended to provide an overview and direction to spillers on the use of ex-situ bioremediation of small-scale (approx. 30 - 100 yd 3) petroleum-contaminated soil. While this document does not establish standards, it is intended as guidance to regional spill investigators and responsible parties for designing bioremediation cells and piles.

More about Spills Technology and Remediation Series (STARS):

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    Environmental Remediation
    625 Broadway
    Albany, NY 12233-7020
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