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Purchase a Habitat/Access Stamp

Help Conserve Habitat and Increase Public Access for Fish and Wildlife Recreation

Habitat/Access Stamp Poster
2008-09 Habitat/Access Poster

Please Consider Purchasing a Habitat/Access Stamp to Help Conserve Habitat and Increase Public Access

Legislation passed in 2002 created a new Habitat/Access Stamp that is available to people who want to support the Department's efforts to conserve habitat and increase public access for fish and wildlife related recreation. The 2008-2009 stamp may be purchased for a $5.00 donation at license issuing outlets and on-line beginning August 18, 2008. Note: to purchase a habitat stamp on-line you must be an existing DECALS customer. A complimentary lapel pin is included for each $5 donation and will be mailed separately.

A Habitat/Access Stamp is not required to hunt, fish or trap, nor do you have to purchase a sporting license to buy a habitat stamp. Habitat is the key to fish and wildlife abundance, and the Habitat Stamp will provide money to help improve and conserve fish and wildlife habitat for the future as well as increase public access to public and private lands for fish and wildlife related recreation. Buying a habitat stamp is the perfect way for young or old, angler or hunter, birder or photographer to help conserve New York's fabulous wildlife heritage. By law, all monies raised through purchases of the Habitat/Access Stamp must be deposited in the State's Conservation Fund in the Habitat Account. Two rounds of Habitat/Access Grants have been awarded statewide to fund 24 projects that improve fish and wildlife habitat and public access for hunting, fishing, trapping and other fish and wildlife related recreation.

More about Purchase a Habitat/Access Stamp:

  • Page applies to all NYS regions
  • Contact for this Page:
    Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources
    625 Broadway
    Albany, NY 12233-4750
    email us