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Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact

Effective March 1, 2006, New York State joined the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact (IWVC). The IWVC is a compact under which member states reciprocate regarding the suspension or revocation of licenses and permits resulting from violations concerning the pursuit, possession or taking of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, shellfish and crustaceans. If a person's license or permit privileges which come under the scope of the IWVC are suspended or revoked in one member state, they are subject to suspension or revocation in all member states. In addition to license and permit suspensions and revocations which result from a conviction for the illegal pursuit, possession or taking of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, shellfish and crustaceans, failing to appear in court or to otherwise answer a ticket or summons issued for such violations will also result in license or permit suspension. IWVC member states also agree to recognize convictions for violations within the scope of the IWVC which occur in all other member states and to apply them toward license and permit suspension and revocations in the state in which the person resides.

As of the date New York joined the IWVC, there are 22 states which are members. Other states and Canadian provinces are expected to join the IWVC. For a complete list of IWVC member states, please call DEC's Division of Law Enforcement at 518-402-8814.

  • Page applies to all NYS regions
  • Contact for this Page:
    Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources
    625 Broadway
    Albany, NY 12233-4750
    email us