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Cooperator Ruffed Grouse Hunting Log

The ruffed grouse is one of New York's most popular native game birds. Annually, approximately 75,000 grouse hunters harvest 150,000 grouse. The ruffed grouse is a forest species widely distributed across New York State. While some grouse are found in more mature forests, the greatest population densities are in younger-aged forests. These preferred habitats are declining as most of New York State's forests grow older, thus resulting in a decline in grouse numbers since the 1960s. The information recorded by grouse hunters in this survey will provide insight into statewide population distributions and trends for this popular game species as habitats change both locally and on a landscape scale.

Picture of ruffed grouse

This survey asks hunters to record their daily grouse hunting activities on a Cooperator Ruffed Grouse Hunting Log (download or print the log form (64k pdf) and a Map of Wildlife Management Units (229k pdf) here). The hunting log requests information such as the number of grouse flushed, the number of hours hunted, the number of grouse killed, and if a dog was used to hunt grouse. The primary purpose of the log is to monitor the number of birds flushed per hour. Changes in the flushing rate illustrate trends in the grouse population when viewed over a long period of time. New York will cooperate with other States by evaluating flushing rates and determining if there are regional differences in the relative abundance of ruffed grouse.

If you are interested in participating, you can request forms and a postage paid return envelope from

  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • 625 Broadway, 5th Floor
  • Albany, NY 12233-4754
  • Phone: (518) 402-8883
  • e-mail at Grouse Log Please leave the words "Grouse Log" in the subject line.

After you have completed your hunting log, you can contact the Department from the above addresses for a postage-paid envelope to send in your data sheet(s).

After data have been analyzed, your hunting log will be returned to you along with a report of this survey. In subsequent years, you will receive a grouse hunting log in the mail just prior to the hunting season. The personal information you provide (e.g., name, address, phone) will be kept confidential. Thanks and good luck this season!

More about Cooperator Ruffed Grouse Hunting Log:

  • 2007-08 Grouse Hunting Log Results - A summary of the results from the 2007-08 grouse season.
  • 2006-07 Grouse Hunting Log Results - A summary of the results from the 2006-07 grouse season.
  • 2005-06 Grouse Hunting Log Results - During the 2005-06 ruffed grouse hunting season, DEC launched the Cooperator Ruffed Grouse Hunting Log. This survey asked hunters to record their daily grouse hunting activities including information such as the number of grouse flushed, the number of hours hunted, the number of grouse killed, and if a dog was used to hunt grouse.
  • 2004-05 Grouse Hunting Log Results - During the 2004-05 ruffed grouse hunting season, DEC launched the Cooperator Ruffed Grouse Hunting Log. This survey asked hunters to record their daily grouse hunting activities including information such as the number of grouse flushed, the number of hours hunted, the number of grouse killed, and if a dog was used to hunt grouse.