USDA Forest Service

Forest Inventory and Analysis National Program


Forest Inventory & Analysis
National Office
U.S. Forest Service
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Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22209

(703) 605-4177

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FIA Symposium


8th Annual
Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium

The Eighth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium was held October 16-19, 2006, at the Portola Plaza Hotel in Monterey, CA, USA.

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Private Forests Contribution to Water Quality Map.7th Annual
Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium

The Seventh Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium was held October 3-6, 2005, at the Eastland Park Hotel in Portland, Maine, USA.

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Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium.

The 6th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium was held September 20-24, 2004 in Denver, Colorado.

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The 5th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium was held November 18-20, 2003 in New Orleans, Louisiana.


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The 4th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium was held jointly with the meeting of the Southern Forest Mensurationists in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 19-21, 2002.

The first three symposia of this series focused primarily on the statistical and remote sensing aspects of developing and implementing an annual forest inventory system.

For this fourth symposium, a concerted effort was made to include presentations from resource analysts from within the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program and from researchers outside the FIA program who use FIA data.


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The 3rd Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium was held jointly with the 35th midwest Forest Mensurationists’ Meeting in Traverse City, Michigan, October 17-19, 2001. Research reported at the 2001 Symposium was in a variety of areas including statistical estimation and modeling, remote sensing and geographic information systems, information management, analysis, and the use of FIA data for an increasing number of purposes.


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The 2nd Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium sponsored by the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station was held October 17-18, 2000, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Symposium organizers successfully sought to document regional and national progress in implementing an enhanced FIA program. By the end of calendar year 2000, all Forest Service research stations will have begun annual inventories in at least one State using protocols developed for a system that is national in both scope and scale.

Papers included in this publication have been sorted into a number of general topic areas. Those areas include remote sensing and Geographic Inventory Systems (GIS), statistical estimation and modeling, information management, analysis and reporting, and a special-studies session. We thank all presenters and convey special thanks to those who so copiously documented their work and submitted papers for this publication.


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Remote Sensing and GIS

Statistical Estimation Modeling

Information Management

Analysis and Reporting

Special Studies

The 1st Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium was held November 2-3, 1999, in San Antonio, Texas.

The national Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the USDA Forest Service officially initiated annual forest inventories following the mandate of the Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998
(Farm Bill).

The primary objective of the 1st Annual FIA Symposium and these proceedings was to document progress by the research stations of the USDA Forest Service and their partners in developing and implementing a national annual forest inventory system.

This is a collection of papers documenting progress in developing the techniques required for full implementation of the national Forest Inventory and Analysis program's new annual forest inventory system.


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USDA Forest Service
Last Modified: December 11, 2007

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