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About eXtension

Last Updated: March 26, 2008 Related resource areas: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Diversity Across Higher Education, Geospatial Technology

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Image:Extension_feature_image_sm.jpgeXtension is an educational partnership of more than 70 universities to help you improve your life every day with access to objective, research-based information and educational opportunities.

eXtension is an educational partnership of more than 70 universities to help you improve your life every day with access to objective, research-based information and educational opportunities.

  • eXtension provides information to you any time, any place, any format and on any Internet-ready device.
  • eXtension is available to you 24/7/365, whenever you need to make decisions to improve your life, to answer life questions, or to learn more about any topic available.
  • eXtension has the national shared strength of the Land Grant University System customized to focus on your needs where you live.
  • eXtension's content is dynamic and evolving, offering you timely information on topics that matter to you.
  • eXtension complements and enhances the community-based Cooperative Extension System of the land-grant universities, a resource you now have at your fingertips.

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Judy Ritchie on 02.06.08 at 01:25 PM
I am trying to locate loggers serving the Fountain Inn, SC area. I have 14 acres that I want to get logged. Could you please help me or tell me how to find them? Thank you.
Ann LaVigna on 02.18.08 at 08:05 PM
If I submit a comment for review, what happens to it?
Ashley Griffin on 02.21.08 at 03:02 AM
The comment goes into a que to be reviewed and approved for posting on the content page submitted. We encourage all questions to be submitted using our Ask an Expert feature above for quicker response.

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