The New Agriculturist - Reporting Agriculture for the 21st Century

The New Agriculturist edition 2009-01

In this issue...

There may be tough times ahead for farmers worldwide (credit: World Bank)Even the most dogmatic optimists will have had their faith tested in 2008, following the crises in food, fuel, fertiliser and now, finance. But in this New Year edition of New Agriculturist, we provide some examples of how to embrace the challenges facing agricultural development worldwide in 2009.


Full listing of the contents of this edition of the New Agriculturist

Focus on... African banana - on an upward curve

Reviewing progress in African banana research and development, we explore how farmers can better exploit the potential of banana and gain a more significant slice of the international market.

A new take on 'matooke'

'Matooke' banana is a much-valued staple in Uganda (credit: IITA)Uganda's Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development aims to increase smallholder access to markets and household income through commercial production of banana flour. 'Tooke' flour is already widely available in Uganda, and may soon be targeted at international markets.

A ripe time for Somali bananas?

Somali bananas are favoured for their sweet taste and creamy texture (credit: Edward Baars)The onset of the Somali civil war in the early 1990s saw the decline of its renowned banana industry. Now, with private sector and donor interest, there is a chance that Somalia's once thriving banana export sector may be revived.

Improving the banana 'value chain' in East Africa

Improved handling of bananas after harvesting has improved returns to farmersRecent efforts to commercialise dessert banana are proving successful in Kenya. Far-reaching reforms of the banana market chain, including the establishment of powerful producer groups, have enabled farmers to increase production and investment.


Honduras - a fair exchange

Farmers in many parts of Central America have benefited from the COMAL network (credit: CAFOD)A network of smallscale farmers' organisations is helping to improve livelihoods in Honduras. As well as buying local produce at a guaranteed price, COMAL also offers loans and credit to farmers and helps them market their produce.

Baobab - trading the once-forbidden fruit

The baobab tree has long been symbolic of the African landscape (credit: PhytoTrade Africa)After gaining approval from the EU in mid-2008, the work of bringing Africa's baobab fruit to consumers in Europe is in full swing. We hear from PhytoTrade Africa on its efforts to commercialise this so-called "superfruit" and the impact of increasing international demand for one of Africa's best-kept secrets.

Boitshepo Bibi Giyose, NEPAD

Boitshepo Bibi Giyose, Food and Nutrition Security Advisor, NEPAD secretariat. (credit: NEPAD)Boitshepo Bibi Giyose, Food and Nutrition Security Advisor for NEPAD, condemns the hypocrisy that has allowed hunger to persist, despite numerous conferences, agreements and pledges. Addressing hunger not only empowers individuals, but is the basis for economic development.

Book reviews

Reviews of some of the latest publications related to agriculture and rural development. The lead review this edition is The trouble with aid by Jonathan Glennie.

News brief

Volatility in the financial markets could wipe out the record gains made in world cereal productionYemen floods linked to reclamation crops; wheat harvests are up - but there is trouble looming; the state of world phosphorus reserves; the United Nations unveils the International Year of Natural Fibres 2009; land grabs in Africa; Central Asian fisheries in crisis, and much more.


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