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Jules Janick Coordinator

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WELCOME to our NewCROP DISCUSSION GROUP. To facilitate communication between newcrops researchers, Purdue launched this NewCROP email list in April of 1995. We hope that this system will continue to act as a stimulus for real interaction–which is the purpose of all electronic communication groups.

For those new to such an electronic mail system, the main purpose of an e-mail list is to create a vehicle for rapid and easy communication over the Internet. An e-mail list permits all subscribers to communicate regularly with each other–and for free. This electronically based mail system functions very simply: subscribers can write in and ask questions, make announcements, and raise other issues for discussion to the group. Every subscriber receives this information. Any or all subscribers receiving this new mail item can file it for their own information, or opt to respond and reply. The reply is automatically sent to the entire group, unless noted otherwise, and this often leads to more responses and a lively electronic debate. The art of writing remains alive and well via electronic mail! Such a system is highly effective if it is used by the subscribers. Basic information such as sourcing new germplasm, identifying those researching a particular area all can be quickly handled via this system. This type of electronic mail is known as "mailing list", and is not an electronic bulletin board, but a mail system.


From the past years experience, we must ask that subscribers refrain from using the mailing list as a vehicle for political action and polemics of any kind, and refrain from profanity.

Do not send attachments.

Please do not post announcements about papers unless it is in response to an inquiry.

This list is not a place to post classified ads. Although inquiries about marketing and markets may be appropriate for this list please do not treat it as a commercial marketing site.


To send a message to the group send E-mail to:

Please administrative questions to:, not the list.

This discussion group is managed by an automated mailing list management program called Majordomo. You can get detailed explanations of "documented" commands which Majordomo understands by asking for "help" from Majordomo (send a message containing just the word "help" as the message text to

NewCrop mailing list Archives

Visit the NewCrop DISCUSSION GROUP archives:
4/25/95 to 12/2/1999
2000 to the present

*At the discretion of the archive maintainer, off-topic posts, "spam", etc. will be removed from the archive.

We welcome news, inquiries, announcements and all other discussion.

Jules Janick

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