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FAQ #37444

How can I regulate my child’s television watching?

Related resource areas: Parenting

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1. Get the TV out of the child's bedroom. This promotes watching all they want, unsupervised.
2. Create a TV budget, post it to the refrigerator so they know the shows or movies they are going to watch and when.
3. Be a good TV role model. The whole family needs to participate in watching less and posting the family TV schedule.
4. Don’t eat with the TV on. Dinner should be time to discuss events of the day, not watch TV.
5. Don’t keep the TV on all the time. This promotes channel surfing and mindless watching. Tune into specific shows that are in your TV budget.
6. Create a list of activities with your child that you can do together instead of watching television. The list may include things like playing outside, drawing, dancing, going to the park, etc.

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