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Agriculture & Landscape Program
The Green Directory

The Green Directory header imagegreen header boxAgriculture & Landscape Program
Do you have questions? Click here to get answers to the most frequently asked questions.


The 2009 UMass Extension Green Directory is a comprehensive guide to
educational resources for Massachusetts Agriculture industry professionals.
This 40 page guide is used as a reference all year long!

The directory includes:

  • Contact information for UMass Extension Agriculture and Landscape
    Specialists and Faculty
  • Upcoming UMass Extension conferences, seminars and workshops
  • UMass Plant Diagnostic Lab submission information for insect, tick, disease and
    cultural problems
  • UMass Soil and Tissue Testing Lab information
  • Pesticide license information, including test dates, training workshops,
    and how to get a pesticide license
  • Phone resources to refer home gardener questions
  • Extension newsletters, web sites and publications
  • Frequently used phone numbers related to Agriculture and the Green

Available in pdf format below or for a hard copy, call (413) 545-0895, fax request to (413) 577-1620, or email

Complete 2009 Green Directory

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