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Illinois State Water Survey
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Highlights & Events


Late October Freeze Ends Growing Season in Illinois

Two Tropical Systems Boost Illinois Rainfall in September

Cool, Dry August for Illinois

Wet Weather Challenges the 2008 Growing Season

Precipitation Totals Set Records in the Midwest

Wettest January-June on Record for Illinois

Midwest Heavy Rain and Flooding is Compared to 1993 Flood

Wet Weather Continues for Illinois

Third Wettest Start to Year for Illinois

Heavy Rain in Southern Illinois Results in Widespread Flooding

Wettest February Ends Third Wettest Winter

Wide Range of Weather Hits Illinois This Winter

Illinoisans Experience Spring-like Weather in January


Ninth Warmest Fall on Record for Illinois

Warm October across Illinois Ranks among Top Ten

September, Warm and Dry across Illinois

August Provided Illinois with Extremes: Rainfall Records in North and Drought in South

Illinois Drought Update - 8/30/2007

Lunar eclipse photos

August Rainfall, Heaviest on Record in Northeastern Illinois

Cooler than Normal July Prevails

End-of-June Rainfall Provides Remarkable Transformation

High-density Network Measures Incredible Differences in Recent Heavy C-U Rains

2007 Governor's Conference on Management of the Illinois River System Scheduled

Dryness and Drought in Illinois

Very Dry May, 8th Warmest on Record

Cool, Wet Weather Slows Northern and Central Illinois Planting

Sixth Warmest March on Record

State and Regional Water Supply Planning Initiatives in Illinois - Southern Illinois University - March 2, 2007, Chicago, Illinois

Snowy, Wet February, 9th Coldest on Record

Water Supply and Demand in Illinois - CMAP/RWSPG, February 27, 2007, Chicago, Illinois

Water Supply and Demand in Illinois - Mahomet Aquifer Consortium, February 16, 2007, Urbana, Illinois

January Was Warmer, Wetter than Usual

Grassroots Volunteer Program Wants Weather Watchers in Illinois

2006 Ranks as 9th Warmest Year for Illinois


State and Regional Water-Supply Planning in Illinois  (pdf ~740k)

Warm November Precedes Wintry Start to December

Open Forum at Hamburger University, November 17, 2006: Studying Water Availability in Illinois

Champaign City Council Meeting November 7, 2006: Water Supply and Ethanol

Wet October, 9th Coldest on Record

September Was Cooler and Wetter than Normal

Water Supply and Demand in East-Central Illinois: Planning for the Future

Prioritizing Illinois Aquifers and Watersheds for Water Supply Planning  (pdf ~2.6mb)

Floodplain Mapping Program Web Site

The 2005 Illinois Drought  (pdf ~3.3Mb)

August Was Slightly Warmer and Wetter than Normal

July Was Hot, Sticky, and Wet

ISWS Speakers Bureau

Illinois Climate Update, July 6, 2006  (pdf ~300k)

Dry June in Illinois

Illinois Drought

May Temperatures and Precipitation in Illinois Near Normal

Wet Spring Dispels Drought in Illinois

Wet March Weather Improves Drought Conditions State Wide Precipitation for March More Than 1.5 Inches Above Normal

Spring Frost Date (Illinois State Climatologist) (pdf ~300k)

Agricultural Data (soil temperatures, growing degree days, pest degree days, and soil moisture)

Drought Conditions Worsen in Dry February

Streamflow Maps (Illinois Drought)

Education and Outreach

Illinois Drought Update  (pdf ~ 580k)

Second Warmest January on Record in Illinois

Executive Order for the Development of State and Regional Water Supply Plans

2005 Was Warm, Dry Year

December Plunges Illinois into Deep Freeze


No Drought Relief from Low October Rainfall

Rainfall above Normal over Much of Illinois during Warm September

August Rains Provide Limited Drought Relief

Co-Sponsors Encourage Participation for Oct. 4-6 Governor's Conference on Ill. River System Management

Tenth Driest June: Precip Just Half of Normal

Recent Rains Ease Drought Concerns in Western and Southern Illinois

Dry May Wraps Up 4th Driest Spring on Record

The Sediment Budget of the Illinois River

Web Resource Gives Current Weather Effects on Illinois Agriculture

New Program To Provide State-of-the-Art Floodplain Maps for Illinois

MTAC Funds Arsenic, Water Quality, and Drought Planning Research

Pre-Christmas Ohio River Valley Snowstorm Broke All Records: Storm Intensity, Size, and Damages

Warmer, Drier April Could Follow Cool, Dry March

Survey Scientists Developing WNV Forecast Tool

Illinois Frost Dates and Growing Season

Countywide Forecasts of Water Use Available for Illinois and for the Midwest

Unique Weather, A Factor in Record Yields of All Major Crops in Illinois and the Midwest in 2004

County-Level Forecasts of Water Use in Illinois: 2005-2025 (SIU) (pdf ~8.9mb)

Straddling the Divide: Water Supply Planning in the Lake Michigan Region (conference proceedings)

7th Wettest, 15th Warmest Climatological Winter on Record

Spring Weather Information

Unique 2004 Growing Season Weather Conditions Resulting in Record High Crop Yields in Illinois and the Midwest (pdf ~293k)

Regional Conference Addressing Lake Michigan Water Supply

Development of the Regional Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting (CWRF) Model: Surface Boundary Conditions (pdf ~1.9mb)

Precip Statewide and Snowfall in Chicago Area Both Heavy in 6th Wettest January on Record


ISWS - Illinois Maps

4th Wettest October–November

Bacterial sulfate reduction limits natural arsenic contamination in groundwater

Storm Event Flow and Sediment Simulations in Agricultural Watersheds using DWSM

7th Wettest October Follows 4th Driest September

Maps Help with Timing of Postharvest Nitrogen Fertilizer Applications

Harvest Benefits from 4th Driest September on Record

Not Your Typical Long, Hot Summer

What Happened to Summer?

Cool Temps Continuing in July

Countywide Projections of Community Water Supply Needs in the Midwest (MTAC) (pdf ~1.3mb)

Comparison of mercury in atmospheric deposition and in Illinois and USA soils

Wet May and Warm Spring Rank among Top Ten in Illinois

Concentrations and Potential Toxicity of Metals and Ammonia in Peoria Lake Sediments and Pore Water (WMRC) (pdf ~3.3Mb)

Arsenic Geochemistry and Distribution in the Mahomet Aquifer (WMRC) (pdf ~4.6Mb)

The Illinois Water Cycle

April Warm and Dry but Soil Moisture Adequate for Now

Wet, Windy March Lives Up to Its Reputation

History and Instrumentation of the Public Service Laboratory

Improved Tracking of Agricultural Pests and Crop Growth

Cool, Dry February but Warm, Dry Winter

Illinois Water Inventory Program (IWIP)

Integrated Water Quantity Planning and Management January 2004 Report  (pdf ~80k)

January Goes from Mild to Wild

Flow dimensions corresponding to hydrogeologic conditions

Changnon Honored at AMS Meeting

Energy Facilities Screening in Illinois: Mine-Mouth Power Plants (ISGS)

Mild December Wraps Up an Average 2003


Mild November Was 8th Wettest on Record

Extreme bugs found in slag dump (BBC News)

Wide Temperature Swings in October

Cool October Follows on Heels of a Cool, Wet September

Mother Nature - Friend or Foe?

Environmental and Societal Impacts of Weather and Climate

Wet Weekend Washes Away August Dry Spell in Illinois

Wet, Cool July Atypical for Illinois

Colder June Temperatures Could Signal a Colder, Wetter Summer

Arcola Data Station

ISWS Video on the Discovery Channel

Quantification of Climate Conditions Important to the Tall Grass Prairie  (pdf ~1.3Mb)

At the Confluence: Rivers, Floods, and Water Quality in the St.Louis Region (MBG Press)

Illinois Sets New Tornado Record in May

Heavy Rains Relieve Drought Concerns in Northern Illinois

Water Survey Seeks Permission of Kane County Area Well Owners for Water-Level Measurements

Deficit Precipitation over Northern Illinois Continues

“World Water Day 2003” To Be Observed on March 22

February and Winter 2002–2003 Just Plain Cold

William C. Ackermann Scholarship Recipient, March, 2003

January Cold and Dry, but Winter Temps Near Average

Winter Snowfall Pattern Topsy-Turvy in Illinois

December Temps and Precip Near Average, But 2002 Was a Warm Year


Christmas Won’t be White over Most of Illinois

Help in Preparing Emergency Response Plans Available for Small Public Water Systems

Dry Conditions in Illinois Beginning in the Fall of 2002

Illinois Was Very Dry, Cold in November and Fall

Water Supply Management Planning in Illinois

History of the Illinois State Water Survey

Colder, Wetter October than Average

Soil Temperature Maps Help with Timing of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application

Warm, Dry Summer Follows Warm, Wet Spring

It’s Almost Time for First Fall Frost in Illinois

Water Quantity Issues Facing Illinois

Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico

Illinois August and Summer Hotter than Average in 2002

Delta building in the Gulf of Mexico (Hypoxia)

July 2002: Hot and Dry in Illinois

The need for comprehensive and consistent treatment of the nitrogen cycle in nitrogen cycling and mass balance studies: I. Terrestrial nitrogen cycle

Hot, Dry Conditions Continue across Illinois

Warm and Dry Summer in Illinois

Alternative Crop Suitability Maps

Suitability Maps Available For Illinois Alternative Crops

Historical Climate Data Indicate More Hotter Days Likely in Mid-July

Water Survey Seeks Permission of Kane County Area Well Owners

May 2002, One of the Wettest, Coldest Mays since 1895!

Record-breaking Wet Weather across Illinois Continues

Fourth Wettest April-May Since 1895

Substantial Impacts on Midwest from Heavy Rains and Severe Weather

April 2002, A Month of Tornadoes and Severe Weather in Illinois

March 2002 Reverses Illinois Trend of Above Average Temperatures

When Can Illinois Expect the Last Spring Frost?

Arsenic Information

Wehrmann to Head ISWS Groundwater Section

Second Warmest December-February on Record in Illinois

2002 W.C. Ackermann Scholarship Awarded

Late January Storm Reduces Concerns over Dry Soil Moisture in Illinois


Warmer December 2001 Means Lower Heating Bills

Energy and the Illinois Environment - Conference Wrap Up

Warm Midwest Temperatures Set All-Time Record for November

7-Day 10-Year Low Flow Maps

October Weather Wrap up and a Look at November Weather

A Plan for Scientific Assessment of Water Supplies in Illinois

A Record-Setting October for the Central Midwest

Wetter than Average October Weather Slowing Harvest but Replenishing Soil Moisture

Daily Soil Temperature Maps Provide Help with Timing of Post-Harvest Nitrogen Applications

When Can Illinois Expect the First Fall Frost?

Late August Rains End Southeast Urbana Dry Spell

Illinois Weather Normal during Summer 2001

Data Indicate Early August Rainstorm in Cook County Unique

Rain Check Network

Strategic Management Worksheet

Soil Moisture Lacking in Parts of Illinois

Private Well Database

Illinois State Climatologist Data

Water Survey wins Web Awards

William C. Ackermann Scholarship Recipient, March, 2001

Spring Weather Information

Conditions Dry in Southern and Eastern Illinois This Spring

Illinois Rivers Decision Support System

See-sawing Temperatures Indicate Spring Has Sprung in Central Illinois

Illinois State Water Survey Overview Brochure

Nitrogen Cycles Project

December Brings Midwest Near Record-breaking Cold


Chicago Water Conference Highlights

Chief testifies to House Agriculture Committee on water quality.

Illinois Water Supplies: Is the Well Running Dry?, July 18-20, 2000

Illinois State Water Survey - Drought Assessment, July 7, 2000

Illinois State Water Survey - Drought Assessment, June 26, 2000

Illinois State Water Survey - Drought Assessment, June 23, 2000

Illinois State Water Survey - Drought Assessment, June 5, 2000

Illinois State Water Survey - Drought Assessment, May 19, 2000

Illinois State Water Survey - Drought Assessment, May 5, 2000

Illinois State Water Survey - Drought Assessment, April 14, 2000

Environmental Horizons 2000, March 27, 2000

William C. Ackermann Scholarship Recipient, March 20, 2000

Assessment of the Potential for Drought Stress in Illinois, March 8, 2000

Environmental Expo 2000, February 26-27, 2000

Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia

Spring Weather Information 2000

Winter Weather Information 2000-2001


ISWS Science Showcase

ISWS at the Illinois State Fair, Fall, 1999

Chinese Delegation visits the Survey, July 30, 1999

Winter Weather Information 1999-2000



2004-2005 Annual Report  (pdf ~ 4.3Mb)

Illinois State Water Survey Strategic Plan (2005)  (pdf ~270k)


2003-2004 Annual Report  (pdf ~ 2.2Mb)

Illinois State Water Survey Strategic Plan (2004)  (pdf ~190k)


2002-2003 Annual Report  (pdf ~ 1.4Mb)

Hydrologic Modeling of Climate Scenarios for Two Illinois Watersheds  (pdf ~470k)

Hydrologic Modeling of the Iroquois River Watershed Using HSPF and SWAT  (pdf ~290k)

Streamflow Frequency Assessment for Water Resource Evaluation  (pdf ~40k)

Hydrologic Model of the Vermilion River Watershed for Streamflow Simulations  (pdf ~170k)

Illinois State Water Survey Strategic Plan (2003) (pdf ~ 150k)


Water Survey Organizational Chart

2001-2002 Annual Report (pdf ~ 2.0Mb)

Illinois State Water Survey Strategic Plan (2002) (pdf ~ 96k)


2000-2001 Annual Report (pdf ~ 2.0Mb)

Illinois State Water Survey Overview Brochure


A Response to "Nutrient Load Characterization from Integrated Source Data for the Lower Mississippi River," by J. E. Bollinger et al.

Illinois State Water Survey Strategic Plan

1999-2000 Annual Report (pdf ~ 2.4Mb)      hi-res (pdf ~ 5.1Mb)

Nitrogen in the Nation's Rain (NADP)

Illinois Water & Climate Summary (back issues)

In Support of Skepticism

Climate Change in the USA


1998-1999 Annual Report (pdf - 1.1 Mb)

Joint Strategic Plan, May, 1999

Illinois in the 21st Century: the Scientific Surveys


1997-1998 Annual Report (HTML)

Winter Weather Information 1998-1999

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Last Modified: December 03, 2008

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