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Vote for Clearspring & AddThis in the Mashable’s Open Web Awards

Note: This has been cross-posted on the Clearspring blog.

Friends, I have some great news. With your help, we’ve been nominated for three categories of Mashable’s Open Web Awards. Clearspring has been nominated for best in Embeddable Widgets. AddThis has been nominated for best in Blog Plugins and and Social Bookmarking.

All I can say is THANK YOU!. Your nominations & votes mean so much to us. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you. It’s all of your time, thoughts, and feedback, which have helped to make our tools best-in-class. We’re absolutely a team in this process.

Well, we need your help again. We’re on to Round 1 of voting for the Open Web Awards. Mashable has created these handy dandy widgets to help with the voting process. (See the links below) We’ve taken their widgets and wrapped them with our widget platform Launchpad so that you can place them and share them all over the Web.

Until midnight on November 30th, you can vote once for Clearspring and AddThis every 24 hours in the categories we’re in.

Thanks again for all your help with this. Here are the widgets:

3 Responses to “Vote for Clearspring & AddThis in the Mashable’s Open Web Awards”

  1. islam Says:

    I hope that addthis will gain the winner :) good luck.

  2. dr. diet Says:

    You have definitely worked your way to achieve all these. I hope you win.

  3. Anne-Marie Ronsen Says:

    Great stuff. I look forward to hearing more about addthis in the future!

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