On-line Data Collections hosted by WIPO

Name Description
Electronic Document Archive (EDOCS)

Central repository of documents published by WIPO. Provides full text search capabilities across various document collections. Document collections include:

Intellectual Property Digital Library (IPDL)

The Intellectual Property Digital Library provides access to intellectual property data collections hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization. These collections include:

International Classifications Databases

Collection of Laws (CLEA)

Electronic archive of intellectual property legislation. This tool provides access to multilateral treaties and to the intellectual property laws of a wide range of countries.

Industrial Property Statistics

Web site providing access to annual statistics on industrial property. The statistics relate to patents, utility models, marks, industrial designs, plant varieties and microorganisms.

International Trademark Information Database (ROMARIN)

The ROMARIN database contains information regarding all international registrations of marks made under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that Agreement that have been entered in the International Register kept by the International Bureau of WIPO and are currently in force.

Members & Observers

Provides access to information relating to the WIPO member states and organizations which are officially admitted as Observers to the World Intellectual Property Organization. The database includes contact information of intellectual property offices, IGOs and NGOs and includes links to on-line resources by country.

WIPO-Administered Treaties

Fully searchable database containing information on contracting parties and members of WIPO bodies. The database also provides access to texts of notifications relating to all WIPO treaties and statistics pertaining to each treaty.


Indexes of IP related Information Resources not hosted by WIPO

Name Description
Database of Existing Codes, Guidelines and Practices The database comprises examples of codes, guides, policies, protocols and standard agreements relating to the recording, digitization and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, with an emphasis on intellectual property issues.
ccTLDs Database The ccTLD database contains links to the web sites of 243 ccTLDs allowing to determine the availability of a registration agreement, the existence of a WHOIS service and the adoption of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures.
Trademark Database Index

Index of on-line trademark databases created by national and regional intellectual property offices. Of interest to prospective domain name registrants for verification whether the domain name which they seek to register corresponds to a mark in which third parties have rights prior to registration.

Index of Online Databases and Registries of Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources Link index to facilitate the study of intellectual property issues related to traditional knowledge (TK) and genetic resources databases and registries.
Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions Contracts Database On-line, searchable database of biodiversity-related Access and Benefit-Sharing Agreements, with a particular emphasis on the intellectual property aspects of such agreements.
SME IP Links Database This database provides links to on-line information on the protection and commercialization of intellectual property (IP) especially of interest to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

WIPO Industrial Property Statistics Online Directory

The Directory points to web sites providing statistics on the following industrial property rights: patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, plant varieties and microorganisms.


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