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2009 International Master Gardener Conference

Last Updated: September 16, 2008 Related resource areas: Gardens, Lawns & Landscapes

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Image:IMGC2009.jpgThe Las Vegas International Master Gardener Conference will address issues that gardeners everywhere face -- water conservation, proper plant selection, soil enrichment, pest control -- while also presenting new concepts in environmental stewardship and "green" technologies. Since what is old has become new again, we will also explore historical and traditional plants and methods.

"New Frontiers" in horticulture and gardening — March 22-26, 2009

The Las Vegas International Master Gardener Conference will address issues that gardeners everywhere face -- water conservation, proper plant selection, soil enrichment, pest control -- while also presenting new concepts in environmental stewardship and "green" technologies. Since what is old has become new again, we will also explore historical and traditional plants and methods.

Details and registration available at: International Master Gardener Conference(University of Nevada Cooperative Extension).

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