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Environment DEC

From the December 2008 issue

New York Joins New England States to Fight Out-of-Region Mercury Emissions

New York State has joined the six New England states in petitioning the federal government to take stronger steps to reduce mercury pollution in lakes and rivers by limiting mercury emissions that originate from sources beyond the region, DEC Commissioner Pete Grannis announced recently. New York, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont have formally requested the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to use a federal Clean Water Act provision to convene a conference of all the states whose emissions contribute to mercury deposition in the petitioning states.

The purpose of the conference would be to craft an agreement on how to reach mercury reduction targets. This is the latest development in a series of efforts taken by New York and the New England states to collaboratively curb mercury emissions, a major factor in unsafe mercury levels in fish, and to prevent the chemical from impacting their natural resources and public health.

Out-of-State Sources a Significant Threat

Many fish
More than 90 New York State waterbodies have fish with elevated levels of mercury.

"In New York, more than 90 waterbodies have restricted advisories for fish consumption because of elevated levels of mercury," Commissioner Grannis said. "DEC has a strong record of implementing actions that reduce in-state mercury sources, and we're committed to doing even more. But the fact remains that out-of-state sources significantly impact our waterbodies, wildlife and public health, and EPA needs to act on a national level to address this critical threat."

Mercury is a toxic pollutant that accumulates in the environment. Mercury can also combine with other elements to form both inorganic and organic compounds, and exposure to these, or high levels of metallic mercury, can damage the nervous system and kidneys. Atmospheric deposition from up-wind coal-fired power plants is the primary source of mercury in the region's waters. While most of the impacted waters are in the Adirondacks and Catskills due to elevation, parts of the Hudson and Susquehanna rivers and Lake Champlain are also affected.

Conference Would Include Upwind States

In the absence of any effective effort by EPA over the past eight years to reduce mercury emissions, the petition begins a new and collaborative process to coordinate multi-state efforts to reduce these harmful pollutants. The mercury emissions management conference called for by the petitioners would include all the states that are significant upwind sources of the mercury in New York and New England waters and would hopefully lead to the development of an agreement that will ensure improvement and protection of the states' water quality.

"In contrast to the dismal record of EPA under the current administration, many states have taken aggressive and effective action to reduce mercury emissions, some located upwind of New York," Commissioner Grannis continued. "But much more needs to be done and we look forward to working with the other states and EPA, under a new administration, to achieve the reductions needed to restore the health of our waterways."

New York a Leader in Reducing Mercury

The states petitioning EPA have each taken significant actions to reduce their in-state mercury emissions, resulting in regional reductions of mercury discharges of more than 70 percent, in some cases. New York State continues to be a leader in reducing mercury emissions and discharges. Among other initiatives, in 2006, DEC adopted regulations that which will cut mercury emissions from coal-fired utilities by 90 percent by 2015. In the absence of federal leadership on the regulation of other large in-state mercury contributors, DEC is currently examining technologies that would substantially reduce mercury emissions from cement plants.

Related Links:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (leaving DEC's site)