UW-Extension Cooperative Extension


Bringing University Research To The People Of Wisconsin

Teens need love—and a lot more—from their parents
“All you need is love,” the Beatles told us back in the ‘60s. But when it comes to building a good relationship with your teenager, research conducted over the past 25 years tells us that love alone is not enough. In fact, studies suggest that giving teens love and support without setting clear expectations and limits can actually be detrimental.
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teen siblings
Wisconsin Counties Association Recognizes UW-Extension Local Government Center as “Friend in County Government”
The University of Wisconsin-Extension Local Government Center has received the 2008 Wisconsin Counties Association’s “Friend in County Government Award” for its longstanding strong partnership with counties and local units of government in the state.
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Statewide Challenge Encourages Schools to Boost Breakfast Participation
The University of Wisconsin-Extension and the state Department of Public Instruction are challenging Wisconsin schools to increase their student participation in school breakfast programs by 50 percent during the 2008-09 school year.
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