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Multidisciplinary Hiring Initiative at LSU


A Multidisciplinary Hiring Initiative at LSU.


We seek dynamic scholars challenged and attracted by the prospect of collaborative research involving the interplay of cultures, histories, and environments of the Southern U.S., Caribbean, West African and maritime Atlantic worlds. We believe these interfaces offer abundant opportunity for developing innovative scholarly working groups, research topics, and forms of publication. We welcome both applicants and the nominations of scholars with competence in research communities such as Cultural Studies, Science and Technology Studies, Environmental History and Historical Ecology, along with disciplines directly concerned with the interactions of cultures, histories, and environments.

LSU offers unique resources to support this exciting research enterprise:

Notable scholars involved in: Southern U.S., Caribbean, and Latin American area studies; Francophone and Hispanic languages and literatures; cultural, historical, and environmental geography; history, anthropology, archaeology, sociology of science, and coastal studies.  An active Atlantic Studies collegium and established programs in African & African American Studies, French & Francophone Studies, Hispanic Studies, Louisiana and Caribbean Studies. 

Extensive special collections (arts, biological, historical) on Louisiana, the Lower Mississippi Valley and the Caribbean.  World-class supercomputing ability and centers for computational, GIS, and materials technologies.

A vibrant local culture characteristic of peoples and sites throughout the Caribbean and

Atlantic worlds. Louisiana has a unique mix of discrete and syncretic forms of Native American, French, African, Spanish, English, German, Italian, Hispanic, and Vietnamese heritages.

The home of journals Atlantic Studies, The Geographical Review, The Southern Review, and, as well as the LSU Press, with its series on: Antislavery, Abolition, and the Atlantic World; The Louisiana Purchase; and eight other collections featuring the American South.

Candidates must possess an earned doctorate in a discipline within one or more of the general areas of interest noted above. Joint departmental appointments will be arranged when appropriate and feasible. Rank and salary will be determined by qualifications. Preference will be given to candidates with a record of collaborative research and publication. Applications, which may be e-mailed, should include a current curriculum vita, a statement of intent (i.e., how the candidate envisions working with and furthering the goals of the initiative), copies of publications deemed particularly relevant, and a list of five potential referees. Application deadline is February 1, 2008 or until a candidate is selected. An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check.  LSU is an equal opportunity/equal access employer.


Send inquiries, applications and nominations to:

Dr. Kent Mathewson, Chair, ASMHI Search Committee,
Department of Geography and Anthropology,
Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803.