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Mission and Vision

The Oregon State University Extension Service engages the people of Oregon with research-based knowledge and education that focus on strengthening communities and economies, sustaining natural resources, and promoting healthy families and individuals.


Extension leads Oregon State University's outreach mission by engaging with Oregon's people and communities to have positive impacts on community livability, economic vitality, natural resources sustainability, and the health and wellbeing of people. Based on these positive impacts, the OSU Extension Service is recognized as one of America's top-5 Land-Grant University Extension systems.


  Value   Operating Principles

Community-  based

We value community relationships and connect OSU to local people and issues to enhance the present and the future of the people and communities of Oregon.


We focus on achieving measurable outcomes, and document and communicate the impact and value of our work.


We deliver relevant, research-based knowledge through our educational programs.


We exhibit respect, value differing perceptions and world views, and encourage diversity.


We collaborate with academic, public, and private partners to achieve greater results and build community capacity. We value the public good that comes from collaborating with volunteers.


We engage with community partners and learners to identify priority issues and needs, to design timely responses, and to build future capability.

Goal 1: Improve Access to High-quality Learner Services

  • Extension will provide access to the knowledge resources of OSU by being focused and nimble in engaging Oregon's diverse people and communities in high-quality learner services that help build sustainable community futures.

Goal 2: Invest for Excellence and Impact

  • Extension will increase and diversify its funding base and encourage program excellence through strategic investments within three thematic areas. This will create measurable outcomes and impacts that will be reported widely to stakeholders.

Goal 3: Increase Effectiveness with Appropriate Technology

  • Extension will use established and new technologies strategically to increase efficiencies, expand outreach, and enhance and report the outcomes of its educational services.

Goal 4: Refine Leadership for University Outreach

  • Oregon State University will provide dynamic leadership for its third mission by creating the position of Vice-Provost for University Engagement/Outreach. This action will strengthen OSU by establishing leadership for the engagement and outreach mission in a manner consistent with leadership for the University's teaching and research missions.


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