Wildflowers Are Blooming / Find your favorite!

The Blue Ridge Parkway is a wildflower lover's paradise, offering a huge variety of native species during spring, summer, and fall.  Depending on your elevation and north/south orientation, some species can be found blooming over a considerably long period of time.  The following list is a highlight of some of the most popular wildflowers, their months in bloom, and places along the Parkway where you can find them.  Photograph them, sketch them, or simply enjoy the view, but all of the park resources are protected - leave them for others to enjoy.


Months in Bloom Suggested Mileposts
Redbud Late April-May 54-68
Dutchman's Breeches April-June 367.6 Picnic Area, 458.2
Carolina Rhododendron Late April-June 308-310, 404-411
Dogwood May 6, 85.8 Picnic Area, 230-232, 378-382
Fraser Magnolia May 173-174, 252-253
Bluets May-June 200.2, 355-368 Picnic Area
Wild Geranium May-June 84-86, 170-172, 211.6, 375
Small's Groundsel May-June 29.1, 85.8 Picnic Area, 330-340
Skunk Cabbage February-March 176.1, 185.8, 217.0
Dwarf Iris March-April 260.5
Spring Beauty March-April Craggy Picnic Area
Mayapple March-April 76.2-76.4, 296-297, 320.8, 339.5
Serviceberry-Sarvis March-May 241-242, 294-297, 368-370
Silver-Bell Tree March-May 344.1-355.3
Buttercups March-June Common Along Roadsides
Crested Dwarf Iris April-May 195, 198, 210, 217, 379
Tulip Poplar April-May Common in low woods and coves
Indian Paintbrush April-May 369-371
Solomon's Seal April-May Common on moist wooded slopes and in coves
Bloodroot April-May 85.6, 191-193, 198.7, 294
Pinxter Flower April-May 4, 92-97, 145.5, 211.6, 350-351, 412-423
Trillium April-May 68-69, 175, 200-216, 339-340
Pinkshell May-June 305.2, 342-343, 419-424
Flame Azalea May-June 138.6, 144-145, 164-166, 308-310, 412-423
FirePink May-June 1-2, 154.5 Picnic Area, 367-375
Bowman's Root May-June 24-45, 260, 368-369
Spiraea June-July 368-378
Columbine May-June 74-75, 339.3 Picnic Area, 370-378
Queen Anne's Lace May-September Common along open fields and roadsides
Mountain Laurel Late May-June 130.5, 162.9, 347.9, 380, 400
Catawba Rhododendron June 44.9, 77-83, 280.5, 348-350
Goat's Beard June 10-11, 24, 240, 337.6
Butterfly Weed June-August 63-65, 238-346
Sourwood June-July 102-106, 231-232, 321-327
Coreopsis June-August 29.6, 77, 157, 190, 306
Butter and Eggs June-August Common along roadsides and waste places
Turkscap Lilly June-August 187.6, 364-368, 406-411
Mullein June-Sep Common Along Roadsides
Bull Thistle Late June-frost Common Along Roadsides
Tall Meadow-Rue July 85.8 PA, 155.2, 248
Fleabane July Common Along Roadsides
Ox-Eye Daisy July Common in Fields
Black-Eyed Susan July Common in Fields
Common Milkweek July-August 85-86, 167-176
Bergarmont Beebalm July-Aug 38.8, 368-374
Tall Coneflower July-Aug 36, 161.2, 228.1, 314
Oswego Tea July-Aug Common in west areas
Bellflower Jul-Sep 370-375
Jewel Weed Aug Common in wet areas
Ironweed Aug 245, 248
Joe-Pye-Weed Aug 6, 85.8PA, 146, 248, 339.3PA, 357-359
Pokeberry Aug 6, 74.7, 151, 376.9
Cardinal Flower Aug Infrequently in wet areas
Blazing Star Aug-Sep 305.1, 369-370
Goldenrod Sep Common in fields along roadsides
Aster Sep Common in fields along roadsides
Yellow Ironweed Sep-Oct 6, 88, 154.5, 271.9