Project FeederWatch Bird Logo ImageProject FeederWatch - Embrace the winter, count feeder birds for science.Join or Renew, Click Here
Cornell Lab of OrnithologyBird Studies of Canada
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FeederWatch News & Features

Free FeederWatch downloads
Download mini versions of our Common Feeder Birds Posters as well as bird feeding notes published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
FeederWatch instructional video
Watch our new video that teaches you how to participate in Project FeederWatch!

Rare Yellow-throated Warbler in Alberta
Read about a Yellow-throated Warbler found at the feeder of Pat Harding, a FeederWatch participant in Medicine Hat, Alberta.
Albinism and leucism
Project participants sometimes see birds at their feeders with white feathers in unusual places--or on rare occasions, completely white birds. Learn about the causes and terminology for these plumage abnormalities.
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FeederWatch is a joint research and education project of:

Cornell Lab of Ornithology                Bird Studies Canada
FeederCam is a registered trademark of Wild Birds Unlimited, Inc.
Carolina Wren by Maria Corcacas, White-breasted Nuthatches by Sara Grimm,
Purple Finch by Linda Schlemmer, Red-bellied Woodpecker by Lisa Barker,
Western Scrub-Jay and Cooper's Hawk by David Smith, Hairy Woodpecker by Gary Mueller
©2001-2008 Express written permission required for use of images or text on these pages.