[a Worldometers project]
World Hunger
current total world population
undernourished people in the world right now  
overweight people in the world right now  
obese people in the world right now  
people who died of hunger today  
people who died of hunger this year  
$ US dollars spent due to obesity related diseases in the USA today  
spending on food purchased and then tossed by US households today (in $ US dollars)  
spending on global food aid today (in $ US dollars)  
amount that would allow to feed the hungry today (in $ US dollars)  
spending on weight-loss programs and products in the USA today (in $ US dollars)  
food aid budget spent on domestic processing and shipping (in $ US dollars)  
revenue for four large US agribusiness corporations derived from food aid programs today (in $ US dollars)  
spending on pet food in Europe and USA today (in $ US dollars)
tons of food wasted in America today  
tons of global food aid provided today  
percentage of harvested corn, grains, and soy beans fed to animals in Europe and North America


percentage of malnourished children who live in countries with food surpluses  
percentage of hungriest nations on earth that are net exporters of food to rich nations (36/40)  

Statistics and data Sources:

current world population:
2006 World Population Data Sheet [Pdf]  Population Reference Bureau. 2006.

undernourished people in the world:
State of Food Insecurity in the World 2006.  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006. - They consume less than the minimum amount of calories essential for sound health and growth. Link: world food programme

overweight and obese people in the world:

spending on food purchased and then tossed by US households:
Timoty Jones, University of Arizona (UA) in Tucson

spending due to obesity:
According to the American Cancer Society, obesity cost an estimated $75 billion in 2003 because of the long and expensive treatment for several of its complications. According to the National Institute of Health, $75-$125 billion is spent on indirect and direct costs due to obesity-related diseases.

food wasted:
U.S. Department of Agriculture link

amount that would allow to feed the hungry:
United Nations Development Program link

spending in food aid and tons of delivered commodities:
FAO link

malnourished children who live in countries with food surpluses:
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

harvested corn, grains, and soy beans fed to animals:
Sources: link (80%) and link (50%)

poor nations that are net exporters of food to rich nations:
Source: link



Important Note:
StopTheHunger was in the past a website were you could click on a button to donate food paid by sponsors. StopTheHunger has completely changed in recent years and it is NOT a "click to donate" type of site anymore (refer to The Hunger Site instead).

StoptheHunger.com is a Worldometers.info project
Copyright © 2000-2009 StopTheHunger.com - All rights reserved