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The global banana R&D community News on banana R&D A discussion place for ProMusa members The free encyclopedia on banana that any ProMusa member can edit

Welcome to the ProMusa website

In its constant search for increasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the research and development (R&D) efforts on banana and plantain, ProMusa is offering this portal for sharing knowledge and discussing the latest news.

This site is primarily intended for scientists in the R&D community who are working to meet the needs of the smallholder farmers growing most of the world's bananas and plantains. In addition to providing a forum for identifying research priorities, we hope that it will promote interactions between them and other actors of the agricultural and development scenes.

Maintained by Bioversity International's banana and plantain group, this website draws on the group's experience in coordinating the ProMusa network and facilitating access to information on this important crop.

The site is open to all who wish to contribute. Let us know how we can better meet your needs by sending us your ideas and suggestions.


On this website, you will find

About ProMusa explains the objectives, structure, activities and products of the global banana and plantain R&D network.

InfoMus@ provides news and information on banana and plantain. It is also a place where people can post their opinion. Registered users receive a quarterly email alert.

MusaTalk is a space where people can join in debates on banana R&D. It is organized into three discussion forums.


This website is maintained by Bioversity International's banana and plantain group