About the Carbon Trust

Our mission is to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy by working with organisations to reduce carbon emissions and develop commercial low carbon technologies.
Explains the issues and opportunities surrounding climate change and carbon reduction, developing low carbon strategies that engage government and business.
Insights Home
Helps develop low carbon technologies through partnerships, funding, expert advice and large-scale demonstrations.
Innovations Home
Creates new, low carbon businesses by identifying opportunities and combining key skills and resources.
Enterprises Home
Finances emerging clean energy technology businesses that demonstrate commercial potential.
Investments Home
Carbon Reduction Label

Devised by the Carbon Trust, the Carbon Reduction Label provides a public measure of the carbon footprint of products and services.

Carbon Trust Standard

The Carbon Trust Standard certifies that an organisation has genuinely reduced its carbon footprint, and is committed to making further reductions year on year.


Act on CO2 ACT ON CO2 is  the Government’s initiative to help individuals understand and reduce their carbon footprint.