World Service Food Price Index Explained

World Service Food Price Index Explained

World Food Crisis

So how hard are people being hit by the world food crisis?

Official statistics can be weeks or months out of date, so BBC World Service is calling on its global network of reporters to keep you in the picture week by week.

World Food Price Index Graph

The graph

The price index is tracking food prices in eight major cities. Each week our reporters head to the shops and record the prices for five of that country's staple foods. Every basket of goods has been normalised to a cost of 100 in the first week of this experiment.

How much it would cost to buy the same basket in later weeks is then reflected in the rise or dip above or below 100. Check the individual city pages for details of each food 'basket'.

The Data

This is how the index currently looks:

City 15-Dec-08 22-Dec-08 29-Dec-08 05-Jan-09
Brussels 89.6 92.7 87.3 90.8
Buenos Aires 111.8 111.8 111.8 111.8
Delhi 111.4 109.9 107.6 107.6
Jakarta 109.8 111.9 110.6 109.3
Moscow 102.5 102.3 101.8 102
Nairobi 127.4 117.8 128.8 128.8
Skopje 110.3 107.5 107.5 107.5
Washington DC 100.8 101.1 86.8 93.2
Average 107.9 106.9 105.3 106.4