Entry bubble Health and Losing Weight: The New Grapefruit Diet?

By: Nancy | January 03, 2008 | Category: Health

christine eating grapefruit at her computer

Christine had me worried.

The homeschooling mom with six guys in the house (her husband, four sons and Otis the dog) and a freelance writing career is one of the busiest people I know. So I'm really glad she has time for our morning check-ins on instant messenger. Lately though, conversations always find their way to back to her new obsession:

nancy: What are you doing?
christine: Eating a grapefruit.
nancy: This is your second one this morning.
christine: Yup.
nancy: Ewwww.
christine: That's ok. MORE FOR ME.

When this all got started, I wondered whether she was gearing up for the new year by losing weight following the old, fad "Grapefruit Diet." But no, Christine says she just really likes grapefruit. And the side effect of weight loss (helped by her faithful trips to the gym) is just an added benefit.

I know that Christine isn't eating just grapefruit, but I was still curious whether she could be getting too much of a good thing. So I did some investigating and found Nutrition.gov. For somebody who insists that banana bread counts as a serving of fruit and mint chocolate chip ice cream counts as a serving of vegetables because it's green, I have to admit, I really liked this site. From buying and preparing food to managing your weight to finding out nutrient values, the site has lots of great information.

It seems as if there's a "dot gov" for nearly every topic now. And FruitsAndVeggiesMatter.gov may be one of the most creative ".gov" urls I've heard of. One of my favorite finds on the site was the diagram showing what counts as a serving (1/2 or whole cup) of a fruit or vegetable. I saw a banana on the chart but not banana bread. So I may have to admit defeat on that one. Oh well. I did find the site's Fruit and Vegetable of the Month past feature on grapefruit, including serving and storage suggestions and a history of the fruit.

Christine and a grapefruitIt also mentions that grapefruit and grapefruit juice can interact with some medications used for controlling cholesterol, depression, anxiety, HIV/AIDS, allergies and high blood pressure--making them ineffective or causing side effects. Here's a chart you may want to take a look at if you're taking medication for any of those conditions and you like grapefruit. And if you have diabetes, a good side effect of eating grapefruit or drinking the juice is that it can help lower blood glucose levels.

If you're like Christine though, grapefruit has a final, lesser-publicized side effect: it makes your hands, desk and computer keyboard sticky. But it can make you very, very happy.

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Comments (6):

blue comment bubble Posted by ChefInTheCountry on January 04, 2008 at 10:39 AM EST

I like baked Grapefruit!
But that adds calories and other stuff, which messes up the diet I guess :)

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blue comment bubble Posted by cocolulu682003 on January 04, 2008 at 04:19 PM EST

Great site about veggies...maybe this will give me motivation to eat them in the winter instead of the good sweets and baked goods!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Carol Forbs on January 10, 2008 at 01:07 PM EST

I am software developer and I'm forced to run a passive life in the office chair, also having weight issue and wondering around the net, trying to find the best solution of my problem. So if someone can recommend me a good effective but healthy diet plan I would be grateful.

This is something I found on the net but looks kinda scary. Its called 9kg diet and I just want to be sure that this is all by the book, apparently everything is in order but just cant except the fact that human body can lose 9 kg in 14 days and stay healthy.

comments please.

day 1.

Black coffee / no sugar

2 boiled eggs
spinach boiled in salt water ( no quantity limit )

1 big steak ( no pork ) roasted on 1-2 spoons of oil
Green salad

day 2.

Black coffee / no sugar
1 small peace of bread

1 big steak
Green salad
Any fruit

Boiled ham ( no limit )

day 3.

Black coffee / no sugar
1 small peace of bread

2 boiled eggs
Green salad

ham ( no limit )
Green salad

day 4.

Black coffee / no sugar
1 small peace of bread

Black coffee / no sugar
boiled carrot or turnip

Fruit ( no limit )
Joghurt ( no limit )

day 5.

Black coffee / no sugar
Fresh carrot or turnip with lemon

Boiled Fish
1 tomato

1 big steak
Green salad

day 6.

Black coffee / no sugar
1 small peace of bread

Roast chicken / no oil

2 boiled eggs
Fresh carrot or turnip with lemon

day 7.

Lemon tea / no sugar

1 big steak ( no pork ) roasted on 1-2 spoons of oil
Salad by your choice
Fruit by your choice

By your choice / has to be from the menu

Repeat the same diet menu next seven days.

Nutrition / Diet Tips:

Drink min. 2 liters of liquid daily (1st choice water but you can also do tea with no sugar or lemonade).
Alcohol, strictly prohibited.
Your salad can be spiced with vinegar or lemon with salt.
Fruit, salad and carrot or turnip you can eat as much as you wish when its on the menu, no limitations.
You can put some salt, pepper or spices on the stake, weight should be approx. 250g. No fat, no pork.
Consummation of extra vitamins is recommended.
If the diet is done strictly by the rules you will lose up to 9 kg after 14 days.
After 14 days the 9 kg diet program ends and you can repeat it again after 14 days.
By 9 kg nutrition program you are changing your metabolism process which will remain changed 3 years after you are done with the program.
and if you continue to eat normally after two weeks, the weight will remain same as it was after first 14 days.

We strongly recommend that before taking first steps of this diet plan you consult your doctor or diet/nutrition expert.

PS article was found on http://www.diet-nutrition.org

Thanks! ;)

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blue comment bubble Posted by Lori mom of 4 on February 07, 2008 at 11:32 AM EST

Carol, that diet seems rather unhealthy. Day one is a bit too high cholesterol with two boiled eggs and a large steak. The spinach boiled in salt water adds too much sodium. A spinach salad would be a much better choice with 1 tsp olive oil and 1/2 lime squeezed over it for dressing. Plus the breakfast on all days is not enough. A good breakfast jump starts your metabolism.

Also the diet says "no pork" but then has a dinner of ham (no limit). Unless they have changed the meat that ham is made of, that's pork and offering ham with "no limit" again adds too much cholesterol and nitrates and sodium.

One thing that I have learned if that the only food we can eat with "no limits" is vegetables. You can eat 3 CUPS of spinach for under 30 calories! A yummy salad made of spinach, tomatoes, baby carrots, chopped onion and garlic with olive oil and lime is filling and very low calorie. Raw is truly best and easy when it comes to veggies.

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blue comment bubble Posted by hmmm on February 19, 2008 at 01:00 AM EST

If i just eat grapefruit for a month...will i lose weight???

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blue comment bubble Posted by Reid on September 09, 2008 at 09:33 PM EDT

The secret of loosing weight is to increase your rate of metabolism. Here is an interesting article about foods that increase your rate of metabolism.... http://weliketoblog.com/4-foods-to-increase-your-metabolism-rate/

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