Video Archive


Older Memory

While older adults look for new ways to stay mentally sharp, from crossword puzzles to word games, a University of Florida study suggests confidence may hold the key to success.

Filed under Video on Wednesday, October 1, 2008.

Charismatic Bosses

Voters may look at a charismatic politician and consider him or her a good leader, but a University of Florida study shows that in the everyday workplace employees respond to strong but subtle leaders.

Filed under Video on Wednesday, September 24, 2008.

Assisted Living Trends

Baby boomers have had a huge impact on society over the years. Now a University of Florida study shows that generation’s about to dramatically change long-term care for the elderly forever.

Filed under Video on Wednesday, September 17, 2008.

Doctor Bias Simulator

Racial bias apparently extends to the virtual world as well as the real one. That’s what University of Florida engineers discovered in developing a new virtual reality simulator.

Filed under Video on Wednesday, September 3, 2008.

Disabled-Ready Homes

New University of Florida research shows there’s about a 60% chance that your home could one day be home to someone with a disability and it could be you, but you might not be able to get through the doorway.

Filed under Video on Wednesday, August 27, 2008.

Prosthetic Interface

Computerized devices tied into the brain could one day help amputees control prosthetic limbs with their thoughts. Now, University of Florida researchers have gone a step further. Justin Sanchez and his team have devised a brain-machine interface that appears to learn and adapt along with the brain.

Filed under Video on Wednesday, July 2, 2008.

GMA at UF Hurricane Simulator

Good Morning America’s Sam Champion got to experience hurricane force winds first-hand recently at the University of Florida, where engineers are simulating hurricanes to improve construction practices.

Filed under Video on Thursday, June 5, 2008.

Heart Effects

Heart attack patients may one day treat hypertension and clear up scarring on their heart muscle with the same medication.

Filed under Video on Thursday, May 1, 2008.

MRI Noise

University of Florida engineering students have come up with a way that could make MRI exams less stressful and less noisy.

Filed under Video on Wednesday, April 30, 2008.

Bullying Impact

The old saying suggests sticks and stones do more damage than words. But now a University of Florida study links taunting or name-calling in childhood with symptoms of depression and anxiety in early adulthood.

Filed under Video on Tuesday, April 22, 2008.