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LPE Newsletter Archive 2008

Last Updated: December 04, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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November, 2008

November, 2008 (Printer-friendly version)

October, 2008

September, 2008

August, 2008

July, 2008

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  • Webcasts Now Available "To-Go"
  • Grant Program Is Seeking Innovative Manure Treatment Technologies
  • Disaster Assistance Guide for Farmers Is Updated
  • 4-H Manure Management Curriculum Is Released In Colorado

June, 2008

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May, 2008

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  • “Managing Manure on Small Farms” Will Be Presented In the June Webcast
  • Are We Doing Our Job? Tell Us In the Impact Survey
  • Coming Soon! Air Quality Series of Webcasts
  • Hot Off the Press! Research Information on Pharmaceuticals and Manure
  • Report Is Critical of the Impact of Large-Scale Animal Production

April, 2008

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  • Making Money and Helping the Environment
  • How Do I View Archived Webcasts?
  • Manure Entrepreneurs: Turning Brown to Green
  • Iowa Releases Final Rule on Manure Application to Soybean Cropland

March, 2008

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  • Managing Potential Risks from Antibiotics and Hormones in Animal Manure is the April Webcast Topic
  • The New LPE Learning Center Website Is Now Live
  • California Panel to Evaluate Manure Treatment Technologies for Dairies
  • University of Missouri Professor Remembered as a Mentor
  • Impact on Manure Management from Feeding Ethanol Co-Products

February, 2008

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  • Potential Pharmaceutical Impacts on Water Quality Is the March Webcast Topic
  • LPE Learning Center To Be Part of the National Launch of eXtension
  • 2008 Value-Added Producer Grants Can Assist With Manure Marketing
  • USGS Releases Findings on the Sources of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Gulf of Mexico

January, 2008

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  • February Webcast: Impact of Ethanol Co-Products on Nutrient Planning and Manure Management
  • Past Webcasts (and More!) Available at the Archive
  • Nutritionists Become Certified in Feed Management
  • Environmental Management Resources for Small Farms
  • Comment Period on Exempting Animal Waste From CERCLA and EPCRA Reporting Requirements Is Open

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