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Title: A.H. Perera, L.J. Buse, and T.R. Crow (eds.): forest landscape ecology: transferring knowledge to practice

Author: Bragg, Don C.

Date: 2007

Source: Landscape Ecol., Vol. 22: 1591-1593

Description: The transfer of knowledge to the public has been an integral part of science delivery since the initial stages of American forestry. Gifford Pinchot, the first Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, incorporated a knowledge transfer program from the beginning of his administration. This effort, exemplified by "Circular 21," offered the services of trained foresters to landowners interested in improving the management of their timberlands (Pinchot 1898). In these early days, it was not unusual for the knowledge transfer part of the agency to upstage the research program, also in its infancy-this was possible because even the very basic technology, techniques, and silvicultural practices of this period were dramatic improvements on exploitive lumbering. Once the rudimentary foundations of good forestry practices were sufficiently established, researchers then devised strategies to improve the implementation of scientific forestry.


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Bragg, Don C.  2007.  A.H. Perera, L.J. Buse, and T.R. Crow (eds.): forest landscape ecology: transferring knowledge to practice.   Landscape Ecol., Vol. 22: 1591-1593

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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