Women Focused Activities

Tenth Session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL), Quito, Ecuador, August 6 to 9, 2007: WIPO was represented at the conference by the WIPO Gender Focal Point and Director for Gender Issues, who reported to the conference on WIPO's activities targeting women and highlighting women in the IP field.
"Women and IP" awareness raising and capacity building - WIPO's Gender Focal Point and Director for Gender Issues spoke about WIPO's work featuring, promoting and targeting women at the " Fourth Annual Intellectual Property Law and Gender Conference", organized by American University, Washington College of Law (March 2007,Washington D.C., USA) www.wcl.american.edu/secle  and at the Conference on " Ethics and Bias Issues in Intellectual Property", sponsored by the William Mitchell College of Law (June 2007, Minneapolis, MI, USA) www.wmitchell.edu/news/events. She also spoke as a panelist about the importance of IP as a business asset at the European Union Women Inventors and Innovators Network (EUWIIN) Conference and Awards (June 2007, Berlin, Germany) www.euwiin.edu and at the Global Summit of Women (June 2007, Berlin, Germany) www.globewomen.com.
National Workshop on "Women, Intellectual Property and Handicrafts", organized by WIPO and the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP), Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, December 15, 2006.
National Workshop on "The Protection and Commercialization of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions or Folklore as a Strategy for Community Development and the Advancement of Indigenous Women", organized by WIPO and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Panama in cooperation with the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), Panama, September 18 and 19, 2006.
Workshop: "Can Intellectual Property Serve as a Practical Tool for Protecting Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions for the Advancement of Indigenous Women and Community Development in General?", organized within the framework of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UN headquarters, New York, May 2006
Conference for Women Entrepreneurs: How to Use IP to Bring Value to your Business
Ljubljana, Slovenia, December 8-9, 2006
Panama: Empowering Indigenous Women Through a Better Protection and Marketing of Handicrafts
Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources, Folklore and Gender was the subject that attracted some 100 participants, mainly women from local indigenous and rural communities, to a two-day seminar held in October in Río Hato, Panama.
A Tunisian Woman Artist is the subject of the second film from the "Creative Planet" series
Sadika Kamoun, a Tunisian woman glass artist, lights up the screen in the second film from Creative Planet, a series produced by WIPO to explore the work and motivations of creative artists and innovators.
Women Ambassadors Network
Twenty-five women ambassadors to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva gathered at WIPO on June 26, 2002, for the presentation of the new website, Women Ambassadors Network, created with WIPO's technical support.  
Sub-Regional Seminar on "IP for Women Heads of Enterprises"
The seminar was organized by WIPO with the cooperation of the Government of Nigeria, specifically for English-Speaking African countries, September 2000. 
Exhibition, "Women Invent" 
The exhibition "Women Invent", organized at WIPO headquarters, Geneva, September 1998 to March 1999, was also brought to the United Nations headquarters in New York, April 2000.  The exhibition features over 200 outstanding women inventors from around the world.

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WIPO's Gold Medal Award Program 2000
WIPO presented two inventors, one of them a woman, with Gold Medals at Geneva's 28th International Exhibitions of Inventors in April 2000.

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Regional Seminar on "IP and Women in Latin America"
From 29-30 November 1999, some 60 participants, including government representatives from 15 Latin American countries, attended a regional seminar on intellectual property and women in San José, Costa Rica.  The seminar was followed by an intensive 3-day workshop on leadership and management training for women managers of intellectual property offices.

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