University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
January 15, 2009
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Calendar Event

Mendocino County Event
Title:   Creating a Victory Garden
Date:   17-Jan-09
Contact:   UCCE 707-463-4495

Time:   8:30 - 12:00
Location:   MCOE

Address:   2240 Old River Rd Ukiah, CA (in Talmage)

During WWII, Eleanor Roosevelt inspired the country by planting a victory garden in the White House lawn.  Americans responded by growing their own vegetables and food, supplying 40% of the country's needs that year.  Today our food system is heavily dependent on petroleum, adding cost and making food vulnerable to shortages if oil supplies are disrupted.  


"Creating a Victory Garden" will be a class presented free of charge by inland Mendocino County Master Gardeners, to show how to plan, develop the soil, plant and irrigate their own "Victory Garden" in their yard or neighborhood.  The date is January 17, 2009 from 8:30 - 12:00 at MCOE 2240 Old River Rd, Ukiah (in Talmage).  The class will include a short tour of two school gardens and a greenhouse located at MCOE.

Participants will be required to bring the following items to the class:
1) A photo or plot plan of the garden area.
2) A jar 1/2 filled with soil from the garden area. (Don't forget the lid)
If you would like to register for the class on line please register now  by clicking on this email address, and leaving your contact information.
Name, address, ph# and email address.



Master gardeners that would like to participate in the presentation of material at the class or support marketing or organizing the class may contact Steve Turner at 462-6753 or by email

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