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Title: Ecology and management of the commercially harvested American matsutake.
Author(s): Hosford, David; Pilz, David; Molina, Randy; Amaranthus, Michael.
Date: 1997
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-412. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 68 p.
Station ID: GTR-PNW-412
Description: The commercial harvest of American matsutake (Tricholoma magnivelare) from forests in the Pacific Northwest has increased dramatically in the last decade. The similarity of this mushroom to the Japanese matsutake (T. matsutake) has prompted its harvest to meet increasing demands for matsutake in Japan. The American matsutake is likely to remain a sustainable forest product in North America if its harvest and forest habitats are managed appropriately.

This summary paper begins by reviewing the historical importance of the Japanese matsutake, its declining production and harvest in Japan, the taxonomy of matsutake species worldwide, ecological research pioneered by the Japanese, and how Japanese forests are managed for matsutake production. Our discussion of the American matsutake begins with descriptions of its distribution, tree hosts, and commercially important habitats, which is followed by a case study of its ecology in central Washington. Next, we examine the social and economic context of its harvest in North America, as well as the biological, ecological and forest management issues that land managers must address to sustain its harvest. We conclude by discussing current matsutake research and monitoring activities in the Pacific Northwest and explaining the relevance of these activities for integrating the harvest of the American matsutake into forest ecosystem management plans.

Keywords: Matsutake (American), mushroom, forest management, mycology, fungi, mycorrhiza, special forest products, nonwood forest products
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Hosford, David; Pilz, David; Molina, Randy; Amaranthus, Michael.   1997.  Ecology and management of the commercially harvested American matsutake..   Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-412. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 68 p.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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