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Title: Methods for integrated modeling of landscape change: Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System.
Author(s): Hayes, Jane L.; Ager, Alan. A.; Barbour, R. James, tech. eds.
Date: 2004
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-610. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 218 p
Station ID: GTR-PNW-610
Description: The Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System (INLAS) links a number of resource, disturbance, and landscape simulations models to examine the interactions of vegetative succession, management, and disturbance with policy goals. The effects of natural disturbance like wildfire, herbivory, forest insects and diseases, as well as specific management actions are included. The outputs from simulations illustrate potential changes in aquatic conditions and terrestrial habitat, potential for wood utilization, and socioeconomic opportunities. The 14 chapters of this document outline the current state of knowledge in each of the areas covered by the INLAS project and describe the objectives and organization of the project. The project explores ways to integrate the effects of natural disturbances and management into planning and policy analyses; illustrate potential conflicts among current policies, natural disturbances, and management activities; and explore the policy, economics, and ecological constraints associated with the application of effective fuel treatments on midscale landscapes in the interior Northwest.
Keywords: Forest simulation analysis, midscale, vegetation succession, disturbance, management
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Hayes, Jane L.; Ager, Alan. A.; Barbour, R. James, tech. eds.  2004.  Methods for integrated modeling of landscape change: Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System..   Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-610. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 218 p

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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