US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Effect of natural inbreeding on variance structure in tests of wind pollination Douglas-fir progenies.

Author: Sorensen, Frank C.; White, T.L.

Date: 1988

Source: Forest Science. 34(1): 102-118

Description: Studies of the mating habits of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) have shown that wind-pollination families contain a small proportion of very slow-growing natural inbreds.

The effect of these very small trees on means, variances, and variance ratios was evaluated for height and diameter in a 16-year-old plantation by systematically deleting from analyses the shortest individuals in wind-pollination (W) and diallel (D) progenies of six parent trees. The progenies were growing together in a common field test. The D population served as a control (no inbreds).

The low-vigor trees in the W population type have a downward bias to means and an upward bias to within-plot and family x block variance estimates. Amount of bias differed among W families. Before deletion, estimates of additive genetic variance and heritability for height in the W test were about one-third and one-sixth the estimates from the D test. Deleting the shortest 5 to 8% of the trees from the W population did not remove all the discrepancy, but it did result in much closer agreement between W and D tests. For the D test alone, deletion of the smallest trees had a negligible effect on estimates of additive genetic variance and heritability.

Keywords: Diallel mating, genetic, variance, heritability, population structure

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Sorensen, Frank C.; White, T.L.  1988.  Effect of natural inbreeding on variance structure in tests of wind pollination Douglas-fir progenies..   Forest Science. 34(1): 102-118

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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