US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Developing management strategies for riparian areas.

Author: Hibbs, D.E.; Chan, S.

Date: 2001

Source: In: Proceedings twenty-second annual forest vegetation management conference: water, aquatic Resources, and vegetation management: 84-92

Description: This talk outlines four principles that are critical to successful management of a riparian area. First, given problems both with defining historic conditions and with returning to them, attaining management goals based on restoration of ecological processes and functions will be far more successful. Second, the management goals for any stream reach must be placed in a watershed context. Ecological and hydrologic processes that occur above a target stream reach can determine whether many stream reach-specific goals can be met. Third, riparian systems are dynamic, and disturbance is normal and expected. Microsite conditions are highly variable. Management plans should utilize or accommodate, not fight, these dynamics. Fourth, riparian areas are generally fully occupied by plants and so can be very difficult places for new or desired plants to get a start. Thus, a hands-off approach may not achieve the desired long-term goals.


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Hibbs, D.E.; Chan, S.  2001.  Developing management strategies for riparian areas..   In: Proceedings twenty-second annual forest vegetation management conference: water, aquatic Resources, and vegetation management: 84-92

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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