US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: It's not easy being green: the tricky world of small-diameter timber.

Author: Duncan, Sally.

Date: 1998

Source: Science Findings. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. May (4): 1-5

Description: Big shifts have been made over the last decade in how society thinks forest lands should be managed. Forest policy has subsequently changed. Land managers now grapple with how to make society's intentions work in the forests of today.

This issue of PNW Science Findings presents the Colville study's examination of the vast forests of small-diameter wood in the intermountain West. In this region, land managers are working to decrease the risk to forest health from fire, insects, and disease while improving wildlife habitat and aesthetics. In doing so, they are considering how to create the structure of late-successional forests in dense, small-diameter, and simple structured stands.

The results of the study show that certain treatments can speed up the development of healthy stands. The treatments of best result were clearcuts with green tree retention and thinnings.

The study examined whether or not the treatments could be economically made in these stands that in the past were considered unprofitable for logging. A product of the study is a software tool to help planners and logging operators make this economic determination themselves for particular places. The study also explores existing and potential products that can be manufactured from the small-diameter timber.


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Duncan, Sally.  1998.  It's not easy being green: the tricky world of small-diameter timber..   Science Findings. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. May (4): 1-5

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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