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Title: Debris dams and the relief of headwater streams.
Author(s): Lancaster, S.T.; Grant, G.E.
Date: 2005
Source: Geomorphology. 82: 84–97
Description: In forested, mountain landscapes where debris flows are common, valley-spanning debris dams formed by debris-flow deposition are a common feature of headwater valleys. In this paper, we examine how wood and boulder steps, i.e., debris dams, affect longitudinal profile relief and gradient at the debris-flow-fluvial transition in three sites in the Oregon Coast Range, USA.
Keywords: debris dams, landscape modeling, topography
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Lancaster, S.T.; Grant, G.E.  2005.  Debris dams and the relief of headwater streams..   Geomorphology. 82: 84–97

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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