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Title: A comparison of daily water use estimates derived from constant-heat sap-flow probe values and gravimetric measurements in pot-grown saplings.
Author(s): McCulloh, K.A.; Winter, K.; Meinzer, F.C.; Garcia, M.; Aranda, J.; Lachenbruch B.
Date: 2007
Source: Tree Physiology. 27: 1355–1360
Description: The use of Granier-style heat dissipation sensors to measure sap flow is common in plant physiology, ecology, and hydrology. There has been concern that any change to the original Granier design invalidates the empirical relationship between sap flux density and the temperature difference between the probes. We compared daily water use estimates from gravimetric measurements with values from variable-length heat dissipation sensors, which are a relatively new design. In general, the comparison showed the minor changes to the original Granier-type sensors does not affect the empirical relationship used to determine sap flux density.
Keywords: transpiration, tropical trees
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McCulloh, K.A.; Winter, K.; Meinzer, F.C.; Garcia, M.; Aranda, J.; Lachenbruch B.  2007.  A comparison of daily water use estimates derived from constant-heat sap-flow probe values and gravimetric measurements in pot-grown saplings..   Tree Physiology. 27: 1355–1360

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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