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Title: Responses of litter-dwelling spiders and carabid beetles to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention.
Author(s): Halaj, Juraj; Halpern, Charles B.; Yi, Hoonbok.
Date: 2008
Source: Forest Ecology and Management. (225): 887-900
Description: We studied effects of timber harvest with green-tree retention on litter-dwelling predatory arthropods (spiders and carabid beetles) Arthropods were sampled with pitfall traps at four experimental blocks in western Oregon and Washington Within each block, arthropods were collected 5-7 years after treatment in five 13-ha harvest units including a control and four that represent contrasts in retention level (15 vs. 40% of original basal area) and spatial pattern (dispersed vs. aggregated in 1-ha patches). More than 47,000 arthropods were collected during two 6-week periods in 2003 and 2004 All harvest treatments had positive effects on the activity-density (relative abundance) of spiders. Groups typically associated with open habitats showed particularly large responses (6.3-7.5 greater abundance than in controls) In contrast, species characteristic of old forest exhibited 57784% lower abundance in harvest treatments than in controls. Abundance of carabid beetles was 60% lower among harvest treatments than controls reflecting declines in forest-dependent taxa. Among harvest treatments we did not detect a significant effect of level or pattern of retention for most groups of predatory arthropods. However, we documented significant variation in response within aggregated treatments. As a group, spiders were more abundant at edge and intermediate positions (15 m from edge), than at the centers of aggregates In contrast, carabids showed significant declines at the edge. Correlation and ordination analyses revealed significant relationships between local abundance/composition of arthropod taxa and selected habitat attributes (e.g., tree density and basal area, cover of disturbed soil and herbs), consistent with treatment effects. Our results suggest that 5-7 years after harvest, habitat conditions were not suitable in any treatment to support the abundance and diversity of taxa present in late-seral forests.
Keywords: Arthropod community structure, Carahid beetles, Forest litter, Spiders, Variable-retention harvest
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Halaj, Juraj; Halpern, Charles B.; Yi, Hoonbok.  2008.  Responses of litter-dwelling spiders and carabid beetles to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention..   Forest Ecology and Management. (225): 887-900

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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